Naturopathic medicine student standing in front of shelf of jars

Course snapshot

International snapshot

  • Start Date

    March, June

  • Duration

    2 years full-time

  • Location

    Gold Coast, Lismore

  • Placement

    Yes  Learn more

Please note, some locations may not have all intake periods available. See the full availability details for further information.


The Master of Naturopathic Medicine prepares students for entry into professional naturopathic medicine practice.

Naturopathic medicine practitioners are primary healthcare providers with the knowledge and skills to assess, plan, manage and prevent disease and dysfunction across the lifespan. Naturopathic medicine practice is underpinned by a patient-centred, holistic, integrated and evidence-based approach, with a focus on promoting health and wellbeing, avoiding harm, and addressing the underlying causes/risks of ill-health.

Graduates of the Master of Naturopathic Medicine will develop a clear scope of practice across diverse clinical settings, a strong focus on patient-centred care, a solid understanding of the role of naturopaths within healthcare teams and the contemporary healthcare landscape, knowledge and skills in clinical reasoning, critical thinking, research methods and evidence-based practice. This course includes professional experience placements of 510 hours. 

The Master of Naturopathic Medicine has two graduate-level entry points. 

Students with an eligible degree in a health-related field who want to pursue a career in naturopathic medicine may apply for this degree. The total full-time duration of the Master of Naturopathic Medicine for these students is two years. 

Graduates of the Southern Cross University Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle) receive eight units of advanced standing into this Master of Naturopathic Medicine as part of our 3+1 pathway to become a clinical naturopath. The total full-time duration for this clinical training program is four years (3-year Bachelor and 1-year Masters).

Student smiling at camera with greenery in background

"I feel fortunate to be taught by renowned naturopathic practitioners, and the course’s comprehensive curriculum has equipped me with the skills to bridge conventional and natural medicine, fostering a truly integrative approach to patient care."

The Southern Cross Model is a game-changer in higher education study.

Our students now engage in shorter, six-week unit structures designed around immersive and interactive learning experiences. The shorter unit structure gives students a greater sense of momentum as they achieve milestones quickly, resulting in increased student success rates, and course and teacher satisfaction. Lectures are a thing of the past - students will be engaged in active, interactive and discussion-based learning.

On-campus students experience a variety of teaching approaches including lectures, tutorials, online activities and video-linked or podcast virtual classes.

Our online study option is highly interactive and may include a combination of podcast or video-linked lectures, electronic study materials, workshops, online discussion forums and virtual classes.

The method of teaching and assessment may vary from unit to unit.

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Course Learning Outcomes express learning achievement in terms of what a student should know, understand and be able to do on completion of a course. These outcomes are aligned with the graduate attributes (GA).

Course Learning Outcome

GA1: Intellectual rigour

Apply evidence-based clinical-decision making frameworks, using traditional knowledge, research evidence, established theories and critical thinking, to contemporary Naturopathic Medicine practice across a range of health settings.

GA2: Creativity

Critically and creatively evaluate and respond to actual and potential health problems impacting individuals, families and communities in alignment with naturopathic principles and philosophies.

GA3: Ethical practice

Understand and function within applicable professional competencies, scope of practice, codes of conduct, codes of ethics, laws and policies with a high level of academic and professional integrity.

GA4: Knowledge of a discipline

Apply a specialised, integrated body of knowledge derived from the physical, biological, behavioural, clinical and socio-cultural sciences across a range of healthcare settings and populations.

Apply proficient clinical skills that enable competent and safe practice as a naturopathic medicine practitioner.

GA5: Lifelong learning

Critically reflect on current skills, knowledge, attitudes and practices to direct scholarly inquiry and ongoing personal and professional development.

GA6: Communication and social skills

Apply expert verbal and written communication skills that drive appropriate patient and population outcomes across diverse settings.

Facilitate collaboration between a diverse range of individuals, groups and interdisciplinary teams.

GA7: Cultural competence

Demonstrate respect and respond to the socio-cultural preferences, needs and values of individuals and groups in diverse settings.

Display social responsibility and advocacy for others in the community and within the broader healthcare setting.

This course includes professional experience placements of 510 hours. There are regulatory requirements that students must meet before commencing professional experience placements. All professional experience learning hours must be completed and professional behaviour and conduct must be demonstrated.

The Master of Naturopathic Medicine prepares students for practice as a clinical naturopath. The course enables students to develop knowledge and skills in naturopathic practice, with a strong focus on naturopathic philosophy, herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, lifestyle medicine, mind-body medicine, integrative health care, evidence-based practice and patient-centredness.

The 16 units of study in this course, including 15 core units and 1 elective unit, centre around three key themes:

Profession and Principles will be discussed in Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 1-3 units.

Practitioner and Practice knowledge and skills will be developed across a range of discipline-building units:

  • Pre-clinical units include Nutritional Medicine, Botanical Medicine and Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1-7
  • Professional clinical placement units include Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1-3
  • Elective units include Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis and Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport.

Patient and Population will be discussed across several core and elective units:

  • Core units include Practice-based Health Research
  • Elective units include Health Research Project A, Supporting Behaviour Change in Mental Health Contexts, plus Evidence Translation and Implementation in Health Care.

Graduates of the Southern Cross University Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle) will receive 8 units of advanced standing into the Master of Naturopathic Medicine.

Location Teaching period Annual Fees CRICOS
Gold CoastTerm  1, Term  3$25,000 ($3,125 per unit)108576G
LismoreTerm  1, Term  3$25,000 ($3,125 per unit)108576G

Tuition fees are in Australian dollars, and are subject to change, including annual increases over the duration of a course. Annual tuition fee is based on completing 8 units per year. In addition students are required to pay OSHC for the duration of their visa in advance. Non-tuition fee covers textbooks, stationery and excursions.

Career Outcomes

The Master of Naturopathic Medicine enables graduates to practice as a clinical naturopath.

As a clinical naturopath, graduates will be qualified to work in private practice, as well as a range of integrative and acute healthcare settings, such as aged care, palliative care or an integrative health clinic.

This course has been approved by the following associations:

  • Australian Natural Therapist Association (ANTA)
  • Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association (ANPA)
  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
  • Complementary Medicine Association (CMA)
  • Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA)

This course has been accredited by Australian Register of Naturopaths and Herbalists (ARONAH).


We encourage you to apply for the courses you most want to study. If you are not eligible to enter your chosen course right now, our team will work with you to find the best pathway option.

Before applying, make sure you double check all entry requirements, gather required documentation and review the University’s Rules Relating to Awards, noting any specifics listed below.

Entry requirements

An applicant for admission to the Master of Naturopathic Medicine must have completed:

  1. the Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle) at Southern Cross University; or
  2. a Bachelor degree in a clinical health discipline or equivalent, such as Nursing, Osteopathy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic or Medicine; or
  3. study and professional experience determined by the Course Coordinator to be equivalent to a or b..

To meet the University’s minimum English Language Proficiency requirement an applicant must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  1. completed Year 12 in Australia or comparable senior secondary study in another country as set out in the ELP Senior Secondary Study Schedule; or
  2. achieved:
    1. an International English Language Test System (IELTS) Academic test score equal to or above IELTS 7.0 with no band less than 7.0; or
    2. a Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic overall test score equal to or above 68 with no communicative score less than 68; or
    3. a Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based (TOEFL iBT) overall test score equal to or above 96 with no reading/listening score less than 24, no writing score less than 27 and no speaking score less than 23; or
    4. an SCU College English Language Exit Test Score equal to 7.0.  Applicants who enrol via this pathway will need to separately meet the English language requirements of registration to practice.

The ELP IELTS Equivalency Schedule does not apply to this course.

Language requirements

English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this course are as follows

Overall Score or equivalent7.0

Course requirements

To be eligible to receive the Master of Naturopathic Medicine, students must complete the equivalent of 16 units (196 credit points) comprising:

  • 15 core units (180 credit points) and
  • 1 option unit (12 credit points).

Professional Experience Learning

This course includes professional experience learning. Pre-requisites to meet national and state-based regulatory requirements, as detailed on Faculty of Health Professional Experience page must be met prior to attending professional experience placement. All professional experience learning hours must be completed and professional behaviour and conduct must be demonstrated.

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements apply to this course as defined on the Student Equity and Inclusion website. Students who have a disability or health condition which may impact on their ability to meet these requirements are encouraged to visit the Student Equity and Inclusion website for further information and contact details

Other things to consider

Credit for Prior Learning, also referred to as ‘Advanced Standing’ or Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL), is the process of looking at your prior study and/or experience to assess if you can be awarded academic credit or gain entry to a course on the basis of your existing knowledge and skills.

Learn more

Course structure

Your course progression is in the recommended order you should complete your course in. It is important that you follow this to ensure you meet the course requirements. For further assistance see How to Enrol in Units using My Enrolment.

Students should use course progression information to select units specific to their course and enrol in these units using My Enrolment.

Current Students should select their units by checking the Handbook for the year of their enrolment as these may be different.

View Student Handbook

Unit CodeUnit TitleAvailableCredit pointsNotes

Complete units in the following order to satisfy the Requirements of the Award

First Year

NUTR2001Nutritional Medicine
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesBIOL1004 - Biological Chemistry and Human Metabolism OR BIOL2007 - Biochemistry OR be admitted to course: 1209350 - Master of Naturopathic Medicine OR 1209310 - Master of Integrative Medicine
Enrolment informationOn-campus students will be required to attend workshops online, and tutorials on-campus. Online students will be required to attend workshops and tutorials online.
NATM2001Botanical Medicine
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesPHAR2001 - Introductory Pharmacology OR Admitted to 1209350 - Master of Naturopathic Medicine OR 1209310 - Master of Integrative Medicine
Enrolment informationOnline enrolment is only available for students admitted to the Master of Integrative Medicine. All other students must enrol into Lismore (weekly) or Gold Coast (intensive) classes. Students are required to attend on-campus classes and/or participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of chemistry and pharmacology is desirable.
NATM2002Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesNUTR2001 - Nutritional Medicine AND NATM2001 - Botanical Medicine
Enrolment informationStudents are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.
NATM3001Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 2: Integumentary and Gastrointestinal systems
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesNATM2002 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity
Enrolment informationPlease note this unit has assessments scheduled in Week 7 which may require attendance on-campus. Students are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.
NATM3002Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Musculoskeletal and Nervous systems
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesNATM2002 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity
Enrolment informationPlease note this unit has assessments scheduled in Week 7 which may require attendance on-campus. Students are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.
NATM3003Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 4: Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesNATM2002 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity
Enrolment informationPlease note this unit has assessments scheduled in Week 7 which may require attendance on-campus. Students are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.
HLTH5009Practice-Based Health Research
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesAdmitted to 1207235 - Master of Osteopathic Medicine OR 1209240 - Master of Advanced Naturopathic Medicine OR 1008440 - Graduate Certificate in Advanced Naturopathic Medicine; OR 192 credit points in 3007319 - Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Lifestyle) OR 3007229 - Bachelor of Midwifery; OR 60 credit points in 1209350 - Master of Naturopathic Medicine
NATM5010Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 1 and 2: Foundations and Conduct
12 Note 1
Enrolment informationStudents are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Students will be required to attend on-campus classes and complete 8 observational clinical placement hours. This unit contains Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that requires students to meet mandatory fit to practice obligations prior to attending. Failure to comply by the fit to practice deadline will result in the cancellation of your WIL and you will not be permitted to continue in this unit. Full details are available at

Second Year

NATM3004Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 5: Urogenital and Endocrine systems
Summer Term
Gold Coast
Summer Term
Summer Term
Pre-requisitesNATM2002 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity
Enrolment informationStudents are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.
NATM5008Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 6: Cancer and Haematological System
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesNATM3001 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 2: Integumentary and Gastrointestinal systems AND NATM3002 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Musculoskeletal and Nervous systems AND NATM3003 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 4: Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems AND NATM3004 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 5: Urogenital and Endocrine systems
Enrolment informationStudents are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is required.
NATM5009Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 7: Multi-morbidity and Complex Cases
Gold Coast
Pre-requisitesNATM5008 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 6: Cancer and Haematological System
Enrolment informationStudents are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, botanical medicine and nutritional medicine is required.
NATM6007Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1
Dual Term4
12 Note 1
Gold Coast
Dual Term4
Dual Term4
Dual Term4
Dual Term4
Pre-requisitesNATM5008 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 6: Cancer and Haematological System
Enrolment informationStudents will be required to attend on-campus classes and complete 170 clinical placement hours. Students who enrol in this unit in Term 2 will undertake the placement hours during Terms 2 and 3. This unit contains Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that requires students to meet mandatory fit to practice obligations prior to attending. Failure to comply by the fit to practice deadline will result in the cancellation of your WIL and you will not be permitted to continue in this unit. Full details are available at
NATM6008Clinical Naturopathic Placement 2
Dual Term1,3
12 Note 1
Gold Coast
Dual Term1,3
Dual Term1,3
Dual Term1,3
Dual Term1,3
Pre-requisitesNATM5009 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 7: Multi-morbidity and Complex Cases AND Must have completed or be currently enrolled in NATM6007 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1
Enrolment informationStudents will be required to attend on-campus classes and complete 170 clinical placement hours. This unit contains Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that requires students to meet mandatory fit to practice obligations prior to attending. Failure to comply by the fit to practice deadline will result in the cancellation of your WIL and you will not be permitted to continue in this unit. Full details are available at
1 unit from: (Option Units)
Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HLTH5010Evidence Translation and Implementation in Health Care
HLTH1003Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport
HLTH6007Health Research Project A
CMPL5001Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis
HLTH1006Foundations of Interprofessional Health Practice
NATM5004Integrative Reproductive Health
FOOD5004Food as Medicine
HLTH6001Human Microbiome and Health
NATM6005Integrative Mental Health
NATM5003Integrative Gastroenterology
HLTH6005Self-management and Chronic Disease
HLTH6004Psychological & Environmental Influences on Health
HLTH3001Independent Study - Health Science
NATM6009Clinical Naturopathic Placement 3
Dual Term2,4
12 Note 1
Gold Coast
Dual Term2,4
Dual Term2,4
Dual Term2,4
Dual Term2,4
Pre-requisitesNATM5009 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 7: Multi-morbidity and Complex Cases AND NATM6007 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1
Enrolment informationStudents will be required to attend on-campus classes and complete 170 clinical placement hours. This unit contains Work Integrated Learning (WIL) that requires students to meet mandatory fit to practice obligations prior to attending. Failure to comply by the fit to practice deadline will result in the cancellation of your WIL and you will not be permitted to continue in this unit. Full details are available at
NATM5011Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Transition to Practice
Enrolment informationStudents are required to attend on-campus classes and participate in online activities.

Note 1:

This unit contains Work Integrated Learning (WIL). Please refer to the unit details for more information.

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
Core Units
NATM5010Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 1 and 2: Foundations and Conduct Note 1
NUTR2001Nutritional Medicine
NATM2001Botanical Medicine
NATM2002Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity
NATM3001Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 2: Integumentary and Gastrointestinal systems
NATM3002Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Musculoskeletal and Nervous systems
NATM3003Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 4: Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems
HLTH5009Practice-Based Health Research
NATM3004Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 5: Urogenital and Endocrine systems
NATM5008Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 6: Cancer and Haematological System
NATM5009Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 7: Multi-morbidity and Complex Cases
NATM6007Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1 Note 1
NATM6008Clinical Naturopathic Placement 2 Note 1
NATM5011Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Transition to Practice
NATM6009Clinical Naturopathic Placement 3 Note 1

Unit CodeUnit TitleNotes
HLTH5010Evidence Translation and Implementation in Health Care
HLTH1003Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport
HLTH6007Health Research Project A
CMPL5001Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis
HLTH1006Foundations of Interprofessional Health Practice
NATM5004Integrative Reproductive Health
FOOD5004Food as Medicine
HLTH6001Human Microbiome and Health
NATM6005Integrative Mental Health
NATM5003Integrative Gastroenterology
HLTH6005Self-management and Chronic Disease
HLTH6004Psychological & Environmental Influences on Health
HLTH3001Independent Study - Health Science

Why study Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University

Top 800 worldwide

We're ranked in the global top 800 universities for Clinical and Health

Times Higher Education World Rankings by Subject 2025

Study at a National Centre

The National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine is an internationally recognised centre of excellence and innovation in naturopathic medicine

Accelerated path to become a clinical naturopath

The only four-year Naturopathic Medicine program offered in Australia where students will graduate with a Master’s degree

Fees and Scholarships

International Students

If you're an international student, you can find the annual course cost in Australian dollars (AUD$) on our International Courses and Fees page or on the web page for your course under fees.

Also known as SSAF, the Student Services and Amenities Fee is a compulsory fee for most students used to provide important services and amenities to students both on and off campus. It’s charged per unit, based on the unit’s credit point value. Eligible domestic students have the option of deferring this fee through the SA-HELP loan scheme. More about SSAF

Depending on your course, your costs could also include computer equipment and software, books, stationery, field trips, uniforms or other course-specific expenses such as art materials, musical equipment or travel for practicums, internships, vaccinations or industry experience.

Southern Cross University offers a range of scholarships designed to support you while you study, available for a variety of backgrounds and achievements. Scholarships range from a few hundred dollars a year to several thousand dollars a year. Southern Cross has also introduced Access25, a new initiative for 2025 to deliver a quality education combined with a straightforward tuition model, ensuring every international student has equal access.

More about scholarships

Further fee information

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  3. Choose where and when from the available options

Click the Apply button to start your application in our Application Portal.

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International students studying in Australia

Gold Coast


Dates for the diary

Our shorter, more focused six-week unit structure gives students a greater sense of momentum and motivation as they achieve milestones quickly. Application dates per Term are shown on each course page however refer to our key dates and teaching calendar for detail on when enrolment opens, studies commence and when grades are published. There are also Dual Term and Tri Term calendars for those who have specific subjects.

See key dates

Credit Transfer

Get a head start on your degree. Find out if you’re eligible for credit from previous studies.

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Entry Pathway

We believe in equal access to further education, so we offer a range of pathways to university.

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