Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes

Learning outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what you are expected to know, understand and be able to do on completion of a unit (subject) or an entire course. They are also an integral part of unit design.

Learning outcomes are aligned with graduate attributes , which describe the qualities, attitudes, behaviours, values and ethics built into the learning process, that you are encouraged to take responsibility for developing through your studies. Similar qualities will be expected of you in practice.

Learning outcomes are also the performance criteria you need to evidence through supporting documentation when you apply for credit. These outcomes are also the assessment criteria that assessors use to establish equivalence between your prior learning outcomes and unit learning outcomes in your course to inform credit decisions.

You should submit a range of different supporting documents with your application to demonstrate the various ways you already fulfil unit learning outcomes. This evidence must provide contextual examples of what you known, understand and can consistently perform to a high standard. But don't stop here.

Your evidence must also show your ability learn independently, research, cite and reference the ideas an works of others, critically read and think, write about complex things in concise ways to a certain word count, transfer your knowledge to solve problems or create new information and reflect on your learning process. For example, what worked, what didn't and what could be refined or done differently in future, as you become a life-long learner.