Translation of Non-English Documents

Non-English supporting documents (evidence) must be submitted to Southern Cross University in the original language, accompanied by an authorised English translation. The translator should be:

  • an Southern Cross representative or SCU International staff member, fluent in the source language and in English; or
  • accredited as a 'Professional Translator' for the source language into English by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI); or
  • outside Australia, an authorised translation service can be recommended by the nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate.

What should I do?

  • Gather the originals of all non-English documents;
  • Make a clear and legible photocopy of the relevant pages in all non-English documents and provide the originals (and the copies) to the authorised translator;
  • As well as translating each document into English, the translator will stamp or write the following statement (or similar) as part of each translation I have examined the original document in the original language and verify that this is an accurate English translation of the original

and will include: '

  • the date translated;
  • their signature and name;
  • their professional title;
  • their accreditation details (such as registration number, if any);
  • the official letterhead, stamp or seal of the translator's accrediting organisation; and

contact details of the translator and/or their accrediting organisation.