Change or reset your password
Students and Staff: You can use the following Self Service password management portals to change your password for security reasons or reset if you forget it. At Southern Cross University the majority of systems use the same password. This password is commonly referred to as the SCU Password.
If you have any problems with the above or still not able to change your password, please contact the TS Service Desk.
Password protection
Passwords are important in ensuring the safety of information. Passwords are more effective if they are 'strong'. The following are best practice guidelines for managing your password:
- Change your password regularly, normally every 60-90 days is recommended.
- Use a "difficult to guess but easy to remember" password.
- Longer passwords are harder to crack. Use a password length of at least ten (10) characters.
- Mix it up. Use variations on capitalisation, spelling, numbers, and punctuation. Include at least one upper case alpha and one numeric character in your password.
- Avoid using names, places, dictionary words.
- If you need to write your password down make sure it is kept in a safe place.
- Don't share or disclose your password with anyone.
- Norton's Password Information and Generator.