Music and Creative Arts

Southern Cross University Rolling Stones Recipient 2022 Kaliya Alldridge pictured at Lismore campus.

Transform your future

Southern Cross University's degrees in music, visual arts, creative writing and digital media provide a platform to fulfilling careers in the creative industries.

Our creative arts degrees are delivered at the Lismore campus, in the heart of the Northern Rivers, while our Coomera campus on the Gold Coast also welcomes contemporary music and digital media students.

You will benefit from the knowledge and skills of lecturers with experience and success in their creative fields. You will also have access to superior facilities and an active, multidisciplinary learning community.

We also sponsor major music and arts festivals, offering great opportunities for work placements and networking.

From online learning to purpose-built spaces across our campuses, we offer quality teaching, support and resources for all our students.

River with canvas painting

“I started art and design with no creative skills whatsoever. The lecturers were so amazing and taught me that art isn’t actually about your creative skills; it’s about your ideas and how you bring those ideas into the world.”

Why choose Music and Creative Arts with Southern Cross?

Major festival connections

Such as Splendour in the Grass and Byron Writers Festival

Extensive facilities

Outstanding visual arts, recording and performing studios

Graduate satisfaction

85% of graduates rated the facilities and resources highly, well above the median national average of 79% (QILT 2020)

From uni jams to playing at festivals

Alex Pereira met Colliflowers frontman Gary Collocott in primary school, sharing nothing more than the same school house colour and a Facebook acquaintance. When Gary put a call out on Facebook years later to start a musical project, Alex, then a Southern Cross Contemporary Music student, took the bait.

The Indie Rock band Colliflowers was born. With three of the four members Southern Cross music graduates, the Colliflowers made their debut at the Byron Beach Hotel and have been playing your go-to dance floor songs across the east coast ever since.

Band members sitting next to each other

“Just dive deep into it, talk to everyone because you never know what opportunities will come up from that little bit of networking.”

A better way to learn

We’re always looking for a better way to do things. That’s why we’re delivering our courses in six-week terms.

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Student sitting on couch with laptop smiling


The University offers a wide range of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

View our scholarships
Male student sitting down at table with arms folded

Entry pathways

There are many ways to get into Southern Cross University. Discover your options with an entry pathway.

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Female student with glasses holding book

Come visit

Get a taste of the Southern Cross University experience through our webinars, campus tours and info sessions.

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Female high school students visiting Open Day
Jane Walsh stands in the gardens outside of the bright Home of The Arts (HOTA) building with a colourful monkey shirt on and laptop in hand

Our Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

We are a creative and multidisciplinary learning community. Our students are artistic, intellectual and ready to make a difference. The Faculty offers degrees in music, art and design, creative writing and digital media as part of a broad portfolio.

From online learning to purpose-built spaces across our campuses, we offer quality teaching, support and resources for all our students. We pride ourselves on producing graduates who are ethical, reflective global citizens, committed to community engagement and lifelong learning. 

Visit the Faculty of Business, Law and Arts