How to apply for cross-institutional study

Steps to take for cross-institutional study and some FAQs follow.

What do I need to do when enrolling?

  • Step 1: Choose your units
    Choose the unit/s you wish to study from the RUN provider university's website.

    See the list of RUN units of study.

  • Step 2: Check your unit's start and finish dates
    Some universities operate on semesters while others are on trimesters so check the teaching calendar of the university teaching the unit/subject. This information is usually published within each university's Principal Dates.
  • Step 3: Communicate with your home university
    Discuss your application with your home university including any consideration for prerequisites for the unit/s you wish to study.

    Step 4: Are any mandatory intensive schools?
    Determine whether your chosen unit/s involves attending an intensive school.

  • Step 5: Assessment requirements
    Determine how the unit is assessed. For example, is there an examination and where can you do this? In most cases, an exam can be set up at your home university.

  • Step 6: Home university approval
    Obtain a signature from your university approving your application.
    Download the Cross-Institutional Study – Home Institution Approval Form.

  • Step 7: Tick 'Yes' in the form!
    In the application form, tick YES to the question: Is this request through the RUN program?
    Please complete the application form.
    Send the form to the Admissions Centre of the university delivering the course.

  • Step 8: Apply Online
    Complete the online application and remember to attach your home university's approval.