CTL Showcase
Showcase 2 concluded on 23rd October 2024.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) hosted Showcase 2 – Theme: Enhancing the Southern Cross Model.
CTL hosted discussions focusing on the innovations in learning and teaching that enhance the Southern Cross Model. Discussions centred around appropriate integration of generative AI into learning and teaching practices, how to engage your students in class, online and hybrid modes through the use of technology. These discussions and approaches are helping promote the scholarship of learning and teaching.
Please note, once processed the presentations will appear below on this page and the CTL Recordings page, watch this space!
Showcase 2, Recordings are listed below:
Showcase 2, Introduction and Welcome recording
- Showcase introduction by the Director of CTL, Professor Ruth Greenaway
- Welcome to Country, Uncle Herb Roberts
- Official welcome by Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) Professor Erica Wilson
Presentation 1:
Assessment Design and Implementation in the Age of GenAI @ THSA recording
Dr Paul Whitelaw, Ms Clare du Plessis, Dr Matthew Brenner, Mr Rick Boulton, Mr John Laing, Mr Steffan Dawson, Dr Donna Little, Mr Andrea Moro (The Hotel School)
Presentation 2:
Working towards a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A collaborative approach recording
Dr Johanna Nieuwoudt (SCU College), Dr Kylie Day (Gnibi College), Ms Raphaela Sigamata (PNG-IBSU), Mr Moses Kewa (PNG-IBSU)
Presentation 3:
Engagement Through Interactivity: The H5P Activity Library as an Innovative Resource for Academics and Students in the Discipline of Law recording
Dr Jonathan Harlen and Mr Warwick Fisher (Faculty of Law), Ms Fiona Stroud, Ms Ashley Filipe (CTL)
Presentation 4:
Enhancing Student Engagement and Connection through the Zoom Whiteboard in a Multi-Disciplinary Career Development Unit recording
Ms Rachel Findlater (Career and Employability Consultant)
Closing remarks:
Closing remarks recording
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) Professor Erica Wilson
Showcase 2 Program
Download Showcase 2 Program 2024
Time | Activity | Download Abstract |
10.00am to 10.20am |
10.20 am to 10.40 am |
Assessment Design and Implementation in the Age of GenAI @ THSA Dr Paul Whitelaw, Ms Clare du Plessis, Dr Matthew Brenner, Mr Rick Boulton, Mr John Laing, Mr Steffan Dawson, Dr Donna Little, Mr Andrea Moro (The Hotel School) |
Download Showcase 2 Abstract Whitelaw |
10.40 am to 10.50 am | Q & A | |
10.50 am to 11.10 am |
Working towards a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A collaborative approach Dr Johanna Nieuwoudt (SCU College), Dr Kylie Day (Gnibi College), Ms Raphaela Sigamata (PNG-IBSU), Mr Moses Kewa (PNG-IBSU) |
Download Showcase 2 Abstract Nieuwoudt |
11.10 am to 11.20 am | Q & A | |
11.20 am to 11.35 am | Break | |
11.35 am to 11.55 am |
Engagement Through Interactivity: The H5P Activity Library as an Innovative Resource for Academics and Students in the Discipline of Law. Dr Jonathan Harlen and Mr Warwick Fisher (Faculty of Law), Ms Fiona Stroud, Ms Ashley Filipe (CTL) |
Download Showcase 2 Abstract Harlen |
11.55 am to 12.05 pm | Q & A | |
12.05 pm to 12.25 pm |
Enhancing Student Engagement and Connection through the Zoom Whiteboard in a Multi-Disciplinary Career Development Unit Ms Rachel Findlater (Career and Employability Consultant) |
Download Showcase 2 Abstract Findlater |
12.25 pm to 12.35 pm | Q & A | |
12.35pm to 12.50pm |
Closing remarks - Pro Vice-chancellor (Academic Innovation) Professor Erica Wilson |
Showcase 1
Showcase 1 has concluded.
Showcase 1, Recordings are listed below:
Showcase 1, Introduction and Welcome recording
- Showcase introduction by the Director of CTL, Professor Ruth Greenaway
- Welcome to Country, Uncle Herb Roberts
- Official welcome by Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tyrone Carlin
Presentation 1:
Improving Student Engagement in the Medical Sciences through Meaningful Learning Experiences recording
Dr Karlah Norkunas
Presentation 2:
Hybrid delivery of a first-year science unit recording
Dr Michael Brickhill and Associate Professor Suzi Syme
Presentation 3:
Faculty of Health innovative approaches to integrating generative AI into pedagogical practices recording
Associate Professor Kellie Toohey, Mr Gareth Vanderhope, Kate Baltrosky, Dr Kachina Allen, and Professor Fiona Nauman.
Presentation 4:
Teacher Presence: You gotta be in it to win it recording
Mr Paul Weeks
Presentation 5:
Strengthening the ‘practice’ in Family Law Practice through curriculum innovation and industry experience recording
Dr Georgina Dimopoulos and Associate Professor Helen Walsh
Closing remarks recording
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation), Professor Erica Wilson
The Centre for Teaching and Learning held Showcase 1 online on 30th July 2024, from 10 am to 12.30 pm.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning would like to thank all SCU staff for contributing and attending Showcase 1 – Enhancing the Southern Cross Model.
Theme: Enhancing the Southern Cross Model:
- By utilising Gen AI in Learning and Teaching
- By engaging learners online, on-campus and in the hybrid classroom
- By promoting the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching
Innovations in learning and teaching that are enhancing the Southern Cross Model were shared. It may be through your appropriate integration of generative AI into learning and teaching practices or how you engage your students in class, online and through hybrid modes or through the use of technology. We discussed how these and other approaches are helping you to promote your scholarship of learning and teaching. All presentations will be entered into Cross Connect.
Program for Showcase 1
(Download 2024 Showcase 1 Program)
Time | Activity | Download Abstract |
10.00am to 10.15am |
10.15am to 10.35am |
Improving Student Engagement in the Medical Sciences through Meaningful Learning Experiences Dr Karlah Norkunas |
10.35am to 10.40am | Break | |
10.40am to 11.00am |
Hybrid delivery of a first-year science unit Dr Michael Brickhill and Associate Professor Suzi Syme |
Download Showcase 1 Abstract Brickhill |
11.00am- 11.05am | Break | |
11.05am - 11.25am |
Faculty of Health innovative approaches to integrating generative AI into pedagogical practices Associate Professor Kellie Toohey |
11.25am – 11.30am | Break | |
11.30am – 11.50am |
Teacher Presence: You gotta be in it to win it Mr Paul Weeks |
Download Showcase 1 Abstract Weeks
11.50am – 11.55am |
Break |
11.55am – 12.15pm |
Strengthening the ‘practice’ in Family Law Practice through curriculum innovation and industry experience Dr Georgina Dimopoulos and Associate Professor Helen Walsh |
12.15pm – 12.30pm |
Closing remarks Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) Professor Erica Wilson |