Teaching in the Blackboard Environment

You will find helpful resources below to assist you with the Blackboard learning environment, we also offer online Friday Free-for-all sessions.

Visit the Friday-Free-For-All, 12 noon Fridays
classroom desks on a laptop with Blackboard Learn logo on the screen
classroom desks on a laptop with Blackboard lgo on the screen

Workshop Recording: BB Features

Learn the standard features of the Blackboard/MySCU learning site environment; using the SCU folder structure template; how to copy a site; using the unit content editor; writing effective announcements; how to set up assignments; setting up discussion boards; using the Unit Site Checklist. (This workshop was recorded 1 pm – 1:50 pm, 9 June 2021)

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h5p logo

Workshop Recording: H5P

Learn what H5P is and how it can enhance student learning. This presentation will first showcase various H5P learning objects. Learn how to use the H5P tool to create and enhance interactive learning objects to support your specific unit. Explore how to use H5P to actively engage students with content and to practice skills. Engage in hands on practice designing a H5P to enable students to complete self-assessment activities at their own pace and receive immediate feedback on their performance. (This workshop was recorded 2 pm – 2:50 pm, 9 2021)

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VT logo

Workshop Recording: Voicethread

Adding interactivity and collaboration with VoiceThread: the ‘Swiss Army knife of online collaboration’. Teaching ideas with VoiceThread. Using VoiceThread for assessment; workarounds for digital rubrics. (This workshop was recorded 10 am – 11 am, 16 June 2021)

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Mediasite Mosia logo

Workshop Recording: Mediasite Mosaic

Mediasite Mosaic allows users to create media with just one click. With Macs or PCs and built-in or external microphones and cameras, you can capture video communications, lectures, assignments, training and more. Plus, you can add additional media, links, quizzing and other engagement features to videos to enhance and personalise content. (This workshop was recorded 2 pm – 2:50 pm, 16 June 2021)

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