Digital Resources Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance team checks documents submitted to Digital Resources for sense, grammar, punctuation, clarity and consistency. We check the material is complete and that conventions of English grammar and syntax have been applied consistently throughout the document. We correct minor errors such as typos, punctuation errors, duplications and misspellings, and refer more significant omissions or inconsistencies to the writer for clarification and rewording.
QA Writing Style Guide
The QA team has prepared a Writing Style Guide that sets out the standards in spelling, punctuation and style applied to documents processed by Digital Resources. We've included lots of examples so if you're looking for guidance on correct punctuation, word usage or editing conventions, you might find the answer in our guide.
QA tips for writing/revising your teaching materials
We've come up with some tips that will help you to write/revise your material, and enable us to better support you to produce quality documents:
- Try to avoid duplicating instructions/specific information in your documents. For example, specific due dates and dates for residentials should be mentioned once. This avoids the problem of a partial revision generating conflicting information.
- Try to minimise references to the location of content that may be moved (or have the topic number changed) in a revision. If cross-referencing is unavoidable, please be aware of it each time a revision is required.
- Include a list of references, including publication details, at the end of each topic or at the end of the study guide.
- Provide full reference details for images sourced from other publications or websites. If there are problems with the image, DR digital designers may need to locate the original document.
- Check hyperlinks each time your study guide is revised. If links are broken, please supply alternative links or reword the text introducing the link.
- Be aware of SCU's copyright policy and take care to ensure that all material supplied to DR complies with the SCU's copyright obligations.
- Know and apply your School's referencing style. Make sure references are complete and materials (such as images) are properly sourced. When revising, make sure new references are complete and consistent in style with the existing references.
- Check all dates and assignment weightings are consistently applied.
- Be aware of your School's policies (especially regarding unit pass requirements and assignment submission).
- Run a spell check on all submitted materials (keeping in mind the requirement for Australian usage, not US).
- Keep references to specific assessments out of the study guide to avoid the requirement of a revision of the Study Guide (and the task of finding these items) when assessment details are changed.
- Try to keep your study guide as timeless as possible as parts of a study guide may go unchanged for a number of years (even if the study guide is partially revised). For example, avoid using 'last year', 'the current government' etc.
Our team encompasses a wealth of diverse experience and knowledge. We aim to work with academic and writing staff to produce material of the highest quality.
DR Quality Assurance