Design is fundamental to creating effective, engaging and innovative learning experiences for our students. Many of you will already be using educational design principles and processes to support the work you do. However, there is a large body of knowledge available to assist those who are new to design and to elevate the current practices of those who are more experienced.
Through their knowledge and expertise in design theory and practice, the CTL offers support in Course Design, Unit Design and the design of Active Learning experiences for tutorials and workshops including the use of technology and other tools.
Course Design
Course design encompasses the mapping, blue printing and holistic design that creates a unified course through backward mapping and course alignment.
Find out more about Course Design/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/staff/teaching-and-learning/cards/unit-design-crop-card-676X676.jpg)
Unit Design
Unit design includes mapping your learning outcomes, assessment types, content delivery and learning experiences to achieve constructive alignment.
Find out more about Unit Design/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/staff/teaching-and-learning/cards/unit-resource-design.jpg)
Teaching Resource Design
Our Digital Resources team includes a number of skilled professionals with expertise in web design, data/analytics, graphic design, video and audio production, photography and interactive multimedia production. For examples of the resources we can develop for you visit our Showcase and Innovation page.
Visit our Develop page to start the process/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/staff/teaching-and-learning/cards/teachin-resource-design_676X676.jpg)
Graduate Attributes
Graduate Attributes are the qualities, skills and understandings a university community agrees its students should develop during their time with the institution (Bowden, 2000). These generic graduate attributes outline the overarching capabilities that will be developed by students.
Find out more about Graduate Attributes/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/staff/teaching-and-learning/cards/graduate-attributes_676X676.jpg)
Non-unit Resource Design
We support SCU service area resources (e.g. Library, Learning Zone, Orientation), logos, audio visual and other academic engagement resources not specifically required in teaching units but supporting teaching and learning at SCU.
Visit our Develop page to start the process/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/staff/teaching-and-learning/cards/design-non-unit-resources-card-676X676.jpg)
Understanding Cognitive Load Theory
Research indicates understanding cognitive load (the amount of information that working memory can hold at one time) helps educators to design, develop, and deliver inspired instructional experiences for students. Removing cognitive overload enables teachers to inspire students to learn.
Find out more about Understanding Cognitive Load/prod01/channel_8/media/scu-dep/staff/teaching-and-learning/cards/cognitive-load-676X676.jpg)