Legal Office Services

The Legal Office provides strategic in-house legal services to the University, including services to the University Council, the Vice Chancellor and senior executives.

We do not provide services of a personal nature to staff or students.

The Legal Office's services include:

  • Advisory: Providing legal advisory services in response to requests for legal assistance submitted using the online Legal Assistance Form. Further information is available at Agreements and Legal Advice page;
  • SCU Standard Agreements: Drafting, maintaining and managing SCU Standard Agreement templates. More Information about Standard Agreements is available at Standard Agreements;
  • Non Standard Agreements: Drafting, reviewing and negotiating any University contract which is not a Standard Agreement. University Staff must complete the online Legal Assistance Form to request review of an externally drafted contract or to request that the University lawyers draft one to cover a given arrangement. Further information is available at Review of Non Standard Agreements;
  • Service of Documents: Accepting service of legal process (such as, subpoenas and statements of claim) on behalf of the University. See Subpoenas, Summonses and Notices for further information;
  • Managing Litigation: Representing the University's interests in disputes or, when appropriate, instructing external lawyers to represent the University's interests;
  • Patents & Trademarks: Providing intellectual property advice and assistance in relation to patents and registration of trademarks;
  • Large Projects: Drafting complex contracts for high value construction and property development projects;
  • Education: Providing presentations and information about legal issues affecting the University;
  • Contract Management Services: Operating and maintaining a contract management database and providing basic assistance with ongoing management of contracts. See the Executed Agreements section of the Legal Office website for more information;
  • Privacy: For more information see Privacy and Personal Information; and
  • Access to Government Information: For more information see the Access to Information section.

Where the Legal Office is not able to provide support on the above or other legal matters, due to resourcing or the specialised nature of a request, the Legal Office may engage external lawyers to provide assistance or advice, or to manage a matter. Only a limited number of University staff have the delegation to engage external lawyers and so, if you believe that you need external legal advice on a University issue, you should contact the Legal Office first to discuss as it may actually be something they can do for you and, if not, they can help scope your instructions appropriately and can engage the lawyers for you.

Useful Resources:
Staff queries in relation to non-legal matters should always be directed to the responsible area. Refer to Useful University Links.