WHS inductions

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, everyone has responsibilities where workplace health and safety (WHS) is concerned. The University has a duty to provide a safe place of work and study, for all employees, students, contractors, visitors, and others. All individuals are provided with information about health and safety at Southern Cross University (SCU) as part of their initial induction or training.

Details are:


For more information on the employee induction, refer to WHS training.


Contractors are required to complete an online induction before attending site or commencing any work.

For more information on the process and to access the induction, visit Property Services Contractors and Visitors page.

Property Services will arrange all contractor inductions, insurance and safety documentation.

Laboratory site inspections, in addition to the online induction, must be completed before any work can commence.

Visitors, consultants, volunteers and work experience students

Visitors, consultants, volunteers, work experience students and others are required to complete a visitor induction before attending any SCU campus.

For more information on the process and to access, visit the Property Services Contractors and Visitors page.