Emergency evacuation training

SCU's emergency evacuation training has been developed in response to Queensland Government legislation on fire safety and emergency evacuation to ensure the University meets its legislative obligations and everyone knows how to evacuate quickly and safely in a fire or other hazardous emergency.

Training requirements

The training must be completed by:

  • All employees working at the Gold Coast campus:
    • Within 48 hours of commencing work;
    • Within 48 hours of moving to a new workplace on another floor or building;
    • No later than 1 month after there is a material change to the physical layout of their workplace; and
    • Every 12 months.
  • Others (including volunteers and research students) who work, reside in or visit a gold coast campus building for at least 10 hours each week for 2 weeks over a 3 month period.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring people who meet the above criteria and are under their supervision complete the training within these requirements.


New employees

Complete their initial training as part of their Corporate Induction.

Existing employees

Use the following link for all training required to comply with the above legislative requirements: Annual emergency evacuation training.

Others (including volunteers and research students)

Supervisors must email the following details to the people who require training:

Certificate of completion

After completing the training, a certificate of completion will be available. The certificate should be printed and a copy provided to the supervisor as confirmation that training has been completed.