Abandonment of employment

1. Where an employee is absent from duty for a continuous period of five working days without advice to the supervisor or the approval of the University, or without apparent good cause, the University will send a certified letter to the employee's last known mailing address asking the employee to inform the University of the reasons for the unauthorised absence from duty. A copy of the letter will be sent to the known email addresses of the employee.

2. The University may send a certified letter to the employee's last known mailing address before the expiration of five days of the initial unauthorised absence if the University suspects that a staff member has abandoned their employment.

3. If there is no response to the University's letter within ten working days, the employee will be suspended without pay. This will take effect from the close of business on the last day the employee actually attended work, was on approved leave or was absent from duty.

4. If the employee does not establish, to the satisfaction of the Vice Chancellor, that they were absent for reasonable cause or if the employee did not respond within 20 working days, the Vice Chancellor may terminate the employment.