Records Management at SCU
Why are records important?
Records tell us what, where and when something was done or why a decision was made. They also tell us who was involved and under what authority. Southern Cross University is committed to meeting its responsibilities under the State Records Act 1998 and to implement records management practices and systems in conformity with standards and codes of best practice.
The records of Southern Cross University are our corporate memory, providing evidence of actions and decisions and representing a vital asset to support our daily functions and operations. The records provide documentation of the Universities transactions. These transactions satisfy the necessary legal, administrative and audit requirements. They help the University to make good use of precedents and of organisational experience. They support consistency, continuity, efficiency and productivity in academic program delivery, research, management and administration.
A record is any document or other source of information compiled, recorded or stored in written form or on film, or by electronic process, or in any manner or by any other means. This may include emails, papers, documents, applications, financial records, transcripts, contracts and agreements, correspondence, data in computer or information systems, film and videos, and electronic data.
Who is responsible?
Making and keeping the University's records depends on the cooperation of every staff member at Southern Cross University. Effective university record keeping ultimately depends on you.
Learn more about Staff responsibilities.