Marine Science research

Our breadth of marine research projects is information the world, and helping to change it for the better.

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Marine Science Research - image shows researcher examining coral reef

Marine Science research

Driven by the future and a belief in possibilities, our marine scientific research at Southern Cross University highlights what can be achieved with hard work, passion and dedication

Research topics and projects

The below is more than a list of projects, it explains why we research what we do. The reason is simple: For the future. Protection of our marine ecosystems is a mighty challenge.

In the era of climate change, rising water temperatures and threatened species and ecosystems, the health of our oceans is fundamental to a sustainable future.

We embrace these challenges through research that is advancing knowledge, changing perceptions and informing strategies, locally, nationally and globally.

Professor Mary Spongberg
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research)

“Our Reef is an irreplaceable ecosystem, home to many thousands of marine species, it’s under threat. We need to pioneer new solutions.”

Marine Science research in the news

Southern Cross Uni Professor to lead multiple ARC projects, work with NASA in 2022

Southern Cross University biogeochemist Professor Bradley Eyre has secured funding for two Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects in a single round, and will work with the US space agency NASA on one of them.

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Professor Bradley Eyre

Leaf oysters: the unsung heroes of estuaries are disappearing, and we know almost nothing about them

Camouflaged by a layer of silty mud, most people probably wouldn’t notice the large flat oysters lurking beneath shallow water in Australia’s coastal estuaries. These are remarkable “leaf oysters”, and they can form reefs, produce mauve pearls, and reach the size of a dinner plate.

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Leaf Oyster

Spawn of a new era as Reef's first Coral IVF babies reach maturity

The first Coral IVF babies on the Great Barrier Reef have produced the next generation as part of this year’s mass coral spawning event, becoming the Reef's first breeding population using the innovative process pioneered by a Southern Cross University coral specialist.

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A scuba diver looking at corals

Contact the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Executive Assistant to the
Dean of Faculty
National Marine Science Centre
Kristy Cocks Reception
T: +61 2 6620 3557
E: [email protected]
T:  +61 2 6659 8100
E: [email protected]

Please direct all faculty enquires to:

T:  +61 2 6620 3650
E:  [email protected]