Silver Rose Portrait Photography Scholarship

The Silver Rose Portrait Photography Scholarship supports students studying in an on-campus music or creative arts undergraduate degree at Southern Cross University.

Quick facts

Number available


Course of study

Any course.

Silver rose Scholarship logo

Scholarship details

See applying for a scholarship for more information. Applications close 18 February 2024.

How to apply

Applicants applying for the Silver Rose Portrait Photography Scholarship must be:

  • Australian citizens or permanent residents
  • enrolled full-time at Southern Cross University

Selection will be based on:

  1. An evaluation of the personal introductory statement (100–200 words) provided by the applicant. The statement will include why they are applying for the scholarship and what they hope to achieve in the future through the completion of their chosen degree.
  2. The selection committee will have a preference for applicants studying or demonstrating a passion for art or music.

Please note: the successful recipient will be invited to attend studio training with the donor at a campus location that correlates with the graduation timetable.

Southern Cross University's degrees in music, visual arts, creative writing and digital media provide a platform to fulfilling careers in the creative industries.  

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Need more information? Please contact the Scholarship Office

Phone and email In person
Scholarships Campus locations
T: 1800 005 687
E: [email protected]
Gold Coast
Coffs Harbour