FNC Scholarship

This scholarship will support a recent high school leaver studying at Lismore campus who is a resident in the local government areas of Byron, Ballina or Lismore.

Quick facts

Number available


Course of study

Any Bachelor degree studying on-campus at Lismore.

Rolling Stones Recipient 2022_Kaliya Alldridge

Scholarship details

See applying for a scholarship for more information. Applications close 18 February.

How to apply

Applicants applying for the FNC Scholarship must:

  1. Be an Australian citizens, permanent residents or holders of a permanent humanitarian visa.
  2. Be residents of the Byron, Ballina or Lismore local government areas.
  3. Have completed Year 12 studies in 2023.
  4. Have qualified for admission in a full-time Bachelor degree at Lismore campus in 2024, and
  5. Plan to be enrolled full-time at Lismore campus — a minimum of 72 credit points per academic year (note this scholarship is for three years which may be a lesser duration than that needed to complete degree studies).

Applications will be evaluated on:

  1. Academic achievement
  2. Preference may be given, but not limited to applicants demonstrating disadvantage.
  3. Answers provided to the scholarship application questions.
  4. Shortlisted applicants may also be required to participate in an interview (by phone or in-person) and this will be used in selecting the actual recipient.

As a multi-campus university, the regions we call home have unique characteristics as study locations.

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Need more information? Please contact the Scholarship Office

Phone and email In person
Scholarships Campus locations
T: 1800 005 687
E: [email protected]
Gold Coast
Coffs Harbour