Diploma Pathway Scholarship

This scholarship program will assist students transition into their chosen degree. The scholarship supports students through an initial Diploma program where the student gains skills required for successful degree studies. Upon completion of their Diploma the students that progress onto a bachelor program receive unit credit and a further scholarship payment.

Quick facts


$2000 per scholarship. See *Value detail for more information.

See Information for recipients for details about general conditions and payments.

Number available


Tayla Preddey

Scholarship details

No application required. This scholarship is offered concurrently with the course offer.

Explore Diplomas

Recipients must be:

  1. Commencing Diploma pathway program in 2023
  2. Be offered the Diploma as an Early Offer
  3. Be on track to receive an ATAR of 45 or better.
  4. Be studying full-time.

All eligible students will receive this scholarship offer.

$2000 per scholarship Two payments of $500.00 paid for enrolment as at census Term 1 and Term 3.

Final payment of $1000.00 for progressing to a 2024 Bachelor Degree program on completion of the Diploma course.

Need more information? Please contact the Scholarship Office

Phone and email In person
Scholarships Campus locations
T: 1800 005 687
E: [email protected]
Gold Coast
Coffs Harbour