
See Applications and Approvals for a list of what to include.

Recruitment Material:

Participant information sheet guidelines

Consent form


Social Media advert template

Gatekeeper letter - coming soon

Data custodian letter - coming soon

Managing Risk

Distress protocols

Data management plan

Risk Matrix

Project description - applications to the HREC

Children's consent for research can be secured through verbal agreement documented by writing, audio, or video; simplified explanations using words or images on paper or digital formats; or by using a child-adapted version of parental information and consent forms with language suitable for their age. For more on the ethical considerations of obtaining consent from children, refer to: 

Murdoch Children’s Research Insitute - Understanding Consent in Research Involving Children: The ethical issues

Recruiting participants from schools: 

Research in New South Wales state schools requires approval from the NSW Department of Education and Communities via the State Education Research Application Process (SERAP)

For research involving public schools in other states or state education websites, you need permission from the respective state's Department of Education, by applying through the Queensland Education Research Inventory for QLD

For approval to conduct research Catholic schools, obtain approval from the corresponding Catholic Education Office Diocese. 

Independent and private schools require you to secure permission from the school principal. 

Refer to the following Australian Bureau of Statistics standards for advice on collecting diversity demographic data: 

Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables

Cultural and language diversity

The ability to utilise data gathered or possessed by a third party in research is contingent upon: 

  • the category of data in question 
  • the original intent behind its collection 
  • the consent provided by individuals when the data was first collected 
  • the intended application of the data in your study. 

Data sharing can be intricate and is governed by the applicable federal and state laws. It's advisable to reach out to the Ethics Office for personalised guidance, once you have reviewed the following relevant guidelines, policies, and statutes: 

Chapter 2.3: Qualifying and Waiving Consent, from the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)

Southern Cross University’s Privacy and Personal Information page


Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002


Information Privacy Act 2009

Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)