Regenerative Agriculture

Blue background with swirls
Jackie Morrison standing on farm with trees in background

New ways of caring for our land

Our Regenerative Agriculture program draws on Southern Cross University’s expertise in plant science, agronomy, ecology, agroforestry, environmental chemistry and socio-ecological systems. It also works in collaboration with industry groups and the farming community.

Panel session

Join Australia's first degree in Regenerative Agriculture and be part of a new generation of agriculturalists and farmers studying to ensure a better tomorrow for our land.

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Why choose Regenerative Agriculture with Southern Cross?

World first Bachelor degree

This degree is a world first and was championed by the Regenerative Agricultural Alliance and members of its Industry Advisory Group.

5-star ratings

We’re rated 5-stars for teaching quality and student support in Agriculture and Environmental Studies (GUG 2023)

Dynamic learning experience

Students come together to build a portfolio of knowledge and skills through on-farm practical sessions and field-based residentials.

Globally ranked among the best

Southern Cross is ranked in the top 350 universities in the world in Agriculture and Forestry (QS World University Rankings 2022).

Panel session

Northern Rivers 4th August

Panel Session


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Lismore campus

“I’ve found plenty of things that I have learned in my studies that I’ve used on our farm to help make our farm produce more than just food, how to make it a good ecological space that provides services for our environment like good clean water and good healthy soils.”

Student leaning against gate with cows in background