
Blue background with swirls
Osteopathic Medicine student Bridie Lin with patient

Hands-on experience in clinical settings

Osteopathy is an holistic and preventative approach to diagnosis and manual therapy that is used to treat musculoskeletal problems and other functional disorders of the body. In Australia, osteopaths are registered as primary care practitioners. 

Open Day Panel

Interested in movement and health? Learn about our degrees in Exercise Science, Clinical Exercise Physiology, and Osteopathy. Discover more about our state-of-the-art facilities, placement opportunities and hands-on learning through our on-campus Health Clinic.

Interactive experiences

Experience the healing touch of osteopathy in a treatment demonstration that delves into the art of manual therapy. Witness skilled practitioners applying manual therapy, with a holistic approach to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal problems and other functional disorders.

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Professional accreditation

By successfully completing our Bachelor and Masters courses, graduates are fully accredited with the Osteopathy Board of Australia

Valuable professional placement

You'll undertake clinical practice under the supervision of an experienced practitioner at Southern Cross’s on-campus Health Clinic

Exclusive to Southern Cross

We're one of only three universities in Australia – and the only one in Queensland and NSW – to offer Osteopathy.

Panel sessions and interactive experiences

Northern Rivers 4th August

Panel Session


Interactive Experience

10.30am and 12.00pm

Book your spot
Lismore campus

Gold Coast 18th August

Panel Session


Interactive Experience

10:30am and 12:00pm

Book your spot
Gold Coast campus aerial overlooking North Kirra beach

“I'm really loving working in the student clinic. I get to treat the broad population and get a glimpse of what my life is going to be like after graduating. It's really exciting being able to start applying everything I've learnt in the Bachelor and Masters.”

Bridie Lin Health Clinic