Education and Teaching

Blue background with swirls
Dulari Gonawala

Transforming education one teacher at a time

Our degrees engage with contemporary and transformative thinking in education, nurtured by a dynamic community of researchers and thought leaders at the University who contribute to Australian and international curriculum and policy. 

Open Day Panel 

Teachers have a lasting and profound impact on the lives of their students, from the early childhood years right through to secondary school. Join our expert panel at Open Day to learn about our courses and the meaningful work placements available in our Education degrees.

Interactive experiences

Early Childhood Education

Meet NAO the social robot and chat to our experts in Early Childhood Education, Early Literacy and Educational Technology at our Gold Coast campus. 

Physical Education and Health

Join our experts in Personal Development Health and Physical Education for a residential experience in Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics and Aquatics at our Gold Coast campus. 


Team up to design and construct an earthquake-resistant structure using a restricted number of components on our Coffs Harbour campus.

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Why choose Education at Southern Cross University?

5-star rating

5-star rating for postgraduate overall experience, student support, skills development and teaching quality in Education and Training (GUG 2023)

Higher starting salary

Graduates have a higher starting salary than national average in Teacher Education (Graduate Outcomes Survey 2017-2019)

Graduate employment

90% of graduates employed within four months of completing their course (Graduate Outcomes Survey 2017-2019)

Panel sessions and interactive experiences

Northern Rivers 4th August

Panel Session


Interactive Experience

All day demo

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Lismore campus

Coffs Harbour 11th August

Panel Session


Interactive Experience

STEM Education 12:00pm

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Coffs Campus

Gold Coast 18th August

Panel Session


Interactive Experience

Physical Education and Health - 11:30am

Early Childhood - 1:00pm

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Gold Coast campus aerial overlooking North Kirra beach

“I won a national Excellence in Teaching Award in the early childhood category. I was nominated because I've been doing a lot of STEM- related projects with children, because science is my background, and also reconciliation-related activities. We've established a Bush Tucker Garden in our centre, and we now share the Bush Tucker products with the community.”

Dulari Gonawala