Computing and IT

Blue background with swirls
Student sitting at a desk

Flex your creative IT muscles

A career in IT is a journey into innovation. Be at the cutting edge of tomorrow's technology, where you can be a catalyst for change and a creator of solutions.

Open Day Panel

Join our Computing and IT experts as they chat about how our degrees offer a thorough grounding in the technology and communications of today, combined with insight and perspective on what is coming tomorrow. In a sector based on transformation, we help put you at the forefront.

Interactive experience

Experience what it takes to be an IT professional in the smart work of the Industry 4.0 revolution! Discover the skills and tools used by IT professionals.

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Why choose Computing and IT with Southern Cross

Graduate employment

86% of IT graduates are employed within four months of completing their courses (Grad Outcome Survey 2017-2019)

Digital Enterprise Lab

Our Digital Enterprise Lab on-campus enables you to work on real-world projects

Professional accreditation

Australian Computer Society (ACS) accreditation for the Bachelor of Information Technology.

Panel sessions

Gold Coast 18th August

Panel Session


Interactive Experience


Book in now
Gold Coast campus aerial overlooking North Kirra beach

“I feel like there's so much room for creativity in Information Technology. I really enjoy working on the design part of it, talking with clients and making the design more interactive.”

Two people using VR goggles