Southern Cross Matters

"Southern Cross Matters is designed to help us stay in touch with key developments and our achievements as a University community."

Tyrone Carlin
Vice-Chancellor, Southern Cross University

Southern Cross Matters
Professor Tyrone Carlin

From the Vice Chancellor

I reflected in the first edition of Southern Cross Matters on the turbulent period through which we are living and my gratitude to the University community for continuing to work together so ably and with such purpose in the face of such a degree of challenge.

During the intervening month, we have all witnessed further upheaval, including a swathe of additional public health-related directives impacting a number of our research activities, on-campus teaching and skills development, student placements and course compliance requirements.

Further, changes to border control regimes and in particular the hard border arrangements presently in place between New South Wales and Queensland are proving especially difficult for many of us and look set to persist for a considerable period to come.

These are times we will all long remember. They have vexed us and given rise to considerable levels of anxiety and uncertainty. But they have also brought us together and motivated us to find solutions to the problems that we face in common.

I think you will see precisely that spirit shining through in the story on how the Faculty of Health has been keeping pace with rapid and complex changes in their operating environment to ensure  that students can continue to learn, progress and move towards completion.

You’ll see the same spirit echoing through the description of the clever and enormously effective approach that we’ve taken to our virtual open day events. It is simply not possible to drive the level of engagement that we have seen this year without the dedicated input of a very wide group of colleagues – and it really has had impact. Every positive engagement with our community counts.

In responding so well to the problems we find in our immediate path, we are also in turn laying a sound foundation for our future and providing outstanding people with a basis of confidence to join the University and contribute to the transformative journey we have begun.

I hope that you find this second edition of Southern Cross Matters informative, interesting and inspirational. Thanks to everyone who kindly sent me feedback after reading the first edition. I look forward to your thoughts in response to this edition, and to more of your stories about our University.

female health worker

Faculty of Health ensures placement continuity despite COVID challenges

That is the indefatigable spirit with which the Faculty of Health is approaching the unpredictable and demanding circumstances around border closures and restrictions that are impacting clinical placements.

Southern Cross has more than 2,500 students involved in health placements in any normal year. It is a complex matrix to manage in any circumstance. But even more so when hard border closures stop students from physically attending their placements or lock-downs and changing workplace requirements make it even more problematic. 

Professor Rhonda Nay recently joined Southern Cross as Chair of Discipline (Nursing) and brings with her a wealth of experience. “At this stage it’s a challenge but not a crisis. I think that’s down to the way in which the team not only approaches a difficult situation, but the excellent networks they have to manage it and not panic,” she says.

The team is responding quickly to the often sudden changes, with the primary intention of helping students complete their placements in a safe and meaningful way.

Firstly, they’ve worked with NSW Health and Queensland Health to provide students with access to COVID vaccinations as part of the Phase 1B vaccination roll out and kept on top of the constantly changing workplace requirements as they become more clear for health workers. 

“Then the team is constantly working and adapting to restrictions that have been introduced and eased at different times in each state, and across LGAs (local government authorities), facilities and sites,” Professor Nay said.

Beyond Nursing, the Faculty of Health is juggling placements across 10 disciplines.

“We have a great team in the Faculty of Health and our students are committed health professionals and eager to be out on placement,” says Charlie Foxlee, Professional Experience Team Leader.

It’s involved reallocating students, where possible, to placements in their home state to enable placements to continue, working hard to prioritise placements for final year students.

“As a regional university with campuses either side of the New South Wales and Queensland border, we have been uniquely challenged by the pandemic,” says Charlotte Kelly, also a Professional Experience Team Leader.

“Many of our students and supervisors live in the border zone community and it can be difficult to navigate the rapidly changing restrictions in both states. But we are committed to getting our students out on placement and ensuring they can graduate and provide our local communities with essential health care workers.”

Southern Cross University Electric Kombi

A fully electric Kombi is sparking a new way of teaching and learning

The launch of the ambitious Southern Cross University Electric Kombi Project is now rapidly growing in popularity as a learning resource for school classrooms.

More than just a cool retro-conversion, the Electric Kombi Project has been turned into a series of digital resources covering topics such as renewable energy, the difference between diesel and electric engines, as well as what engineers do and the variety of careers available in engineering.

The Kombi is powered by a suite of 5.3kwh batteries, while the curriculum package is powered by the knowledge of two Southern Cross researchers in the Faculty of Education – Simone Blom and David Ellis.

The package includes a detailed unit map of 30 lesson plans that align with the iSTEM program outcomes and objectives including the iSTEM Process for STEM inquiry.

“We were both excited by the opportunity,” Simone says, “as we could see how it enabled student learning in STEM to be put in the context of a real-life, industry example while also demonstrating how STEM subjects authentically work together in practical application.”

While both Simone and David were busy with full-time academic workloads, the Kombi Conversion curriculum package became a project of passion. Going above and beyond, they completed the lesson plans through a series of evening meetings and weekend correspondence to ensure the resource was developed to a high standard.

As a team, David and Simone harnessed their strengths: David with extensive expertise in the technologies, contexts of design, technology and STEM education, and project-based learning pedagogies; and Simone with experience and expertise in science and technology education and writing secondary school STEM resources.

“What teachers do in and out of the classroom has a lasting effect on their students,” says David.

“Engaging teaching and learning programs not only are effective for student learning, but also inspire students and encourage them to entertain new possibilities. 

“As STEM teachers we aim to empower our students with the knowledge to make informed decisions in an effort to reduce our impact on the environment. 

“The Kombi Conversion Project is a perfect example of how the decision to move away from fossil fuels will reduce our impact on the environment and open up new opportunities for innovation.”

It’s a sentiment Simone endorses.

“When you work together on projects, it enables each person to bring their expertise to the fore and pushes the bar further upwards – creating a rich, authentic and high-quality product. This is what inspires us to do what we do: knowing that we can assist teachers in the work that they do with their students – our collective future,” she says.

So while Australia’s most talked about Kombi hits the roads, young students can hit the books. The 'Southern Cross University Electric Kombi Conversion Curriculum Package' is endorsed by the STEM Industry Schools Partnerships (SISP) program, an initiative of the NSW Department of Education’s Educational Standards Directorate. Since its launch last month, the package has been downloaded or adopted by 46 schools.

And just to add a little more to the #SCUKombi story, engineering students like Max den Exter worked extensively on the project, applying knowledge from his studies to the unique conversion. The technical smarts behind the conversion come from Andy Naughton, of EV Machina, himself a Southern Cross Environmental Science graduate.

It’s been a long road to bring this humble 1976 machine into the 21st century, but now it’s well and truly on the road again.

Test drive the Kombi Conversion Curriculum Package at iTeachSTEM website or at

Professor Les Christidis

One-stop industry shop in bold new Southern Cross initiative

What happens when you bring two highly regarded Southern Cross specialist research groups under the one umbrella?  You structure a more competitive organisation to successfully gain research grants and support our postgraduate researchers of tomorrow.

Professor Les Christidis reckons it’s one of the University’s really good news stories of 2021. He’s referring to the formation of the Southern Cross Analytical and Research Services, or SCARS, and he’s driving the initiative.

Les strongly believes we have world-class capabilities which we are growing.  

“The challenge was to create a one-stop shop for industry. So, we decided to consolidate our Analytical Research Laboratory (ARL) and Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) facilities under the SCARS umbrella to further develop and grow our reputation in the areas of agriculture, natural plant products and geosciences,” Les explains.

“The new SCARS team boasts more than 90 technical and professional staff and trainees who generate almost $9 million in commercial activity. SCARS also supports the research of academics and Higher Degree Research students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.”

There’s no doubt EAL and ARL are go-to organisations for industry. 

“Their work is of a consistent high-quality. EAL is definitely the leading lab for soil carbon in Australia, if not the world! I intend to keep working with them for soil testing to support the rapidly expanding soil carbon industry,” says Ignatius Verbeek, Managing Director, AgriX Operations Pty Ltd. 

But it’s not just about industry; SCARS has a clear focus on the engagement and support of academics and Higher Degree Research students.

Our postgrads gain access to world-class analytical equipment that leads to publications, kick-starting their science research careers," says Professor Amanda Reichelt-Brushett, Chair of Discipline (Science) in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

“Our research teams are able to establish projects that answer important questions about environmental contamination and food safety, which enables us to partner with industry to solve problems.”

People like laboratory trainee Simone Ogg are getting invaluable first-hand experience as part of Certificate III and IV courses.

“I began the traineeship at EAL as a gap year from my science degree and have enjoyed it so much that I’m hoping to continue lab work when I return interstate for university. This traineeship has enabled me to complete my courses at my own pace,” she says.

And Graham Lancaster, SCARS Senior Manager puts it into perspective: “The SCARS model is a realised vision of centralised commercial/research services and infrastructure. This unique structure and success are the envy of other universities.”

Lucy Shinners

A virtual success story for an Open Day that ran for a month

What do you do when you’re not allowed the traditional university Open Day? Put it on for a month, that’s what.

Southern Cross University’s Open Day (for a month) was a 30-day open invitation to prospective students across Australia to visit virtually through a series of live webinars, on-demand presentations, virtual reality campus tours and online chats.

It was one of the most elaborate collaborations across academic and professional colleagues that Southern Cross has seen, and it delivered strong results.

One of the most popular live webinars was in Nursing. Lecturer Lucy Shinners said the revised, all-digital format was a great success. 

“The production team handled it really efficiently with clear communication about how the day was going to progress. We got questions before we started which allowed us to prepare; when I turned up, I was quite confident about everything,” she said.

Lucy explained that the majority of questions from prospective students involved a breakdown of how much time is spent online and on campus, study loads, flexibility and alternative entry pathways. 

“It was actually a really nice dynamic situation with the Session Host asking casually phrased questions sent in from the attendees, so it felt like a conversation; it wasn’t like a pre-structured interview. So, the day went really well with high registration numbers. In fact, better than previous webinar sessions.”

Lucy’s session was among many that featured outstanding results. Overall, the Open Day (for a month) registrations were up 60 per cent on last year, with more than 10,000 visitors to the Open Day platform. As another mark of success, 1,600 people took virtual campus tours and there was a record number of applications for the Open Day scholarship on offer.  

The innovative approach to a conventional event in the recruitment calendar included collaborations with the University Events team under Lena Mager and with Production Services colleagues, along with the University’s digital agency Social Garden. The Future Students team was central to the live webinars and had team members on the phones and online chat until 7pm each night during the campaign.

The Open Day platform included contributions from the Content and Design team with the assistance of the Digital and Marketing teams, championed and co-ordinated in detail by the Future Students team and the whole project led ably by Jemma Neylan and the Partnerships team.  

Megan Lee

Did you know?

Faculty of Health PhD candidate Megan Lee is Southern Cross University's most popular author on The Conversation. Her seven articles have attracted a total of 835,116 readers over the last few years.

Megan’s published articles focus on her PhD research in nutrition and mental health. Megan has also recently published on occupational stress in academia and the impact of anonymous student feedback on academics, mental health and wellbeing.

The Conversation articles are republished globally and Megan’s work has appeared in 53 different outlets in Australia, USA, United Kingdom, Indonesia, South Africa, India and France to name a handful. She’s on the way to becoming a Conversation millionaire!

Welcome to the team

Professor Fiona Naumann, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Health. Fiona was formerly Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning at the QUT Faculty of Health. She holds a PhD in Clinical Exercise Physiology, a Graduate Certificate and Masters of Higher Education and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

“My motivation to join Southern Cross was to work at an institution where I could have significant and meaningful impact on the quality of teaching and learning and ultimately the delivery of amazing student experiences. I believe the Southern Cross Model is an interesting concept and drawcard in terms of being able to be part of true curriculum transformation,” Fiona says.

“I want to support staff across that transformation process, creating a shared vision and an environment of collaboration and support. The higher education sector has really taken a hit during COVID and I would like to assist students and staff transition out of the uncertainty and look towards a future with new opportunities.”

Her experience in higher education is broad, having worked at a regional university (University of the Sunshine Coast), a Catholic university (University of Notre Dame) and a Group of Eight university (UNSW Australia).

“The staff I have met in my first six weeks have been so welcoming and have reinforced my decision to come to SCU as a great one.”

Also joining the team

Professor Rhonda Nay, Chair of Discipline (Nursing), Faculty of Health. Most recently Rhonda was Chair, Interdisciplinary Aged Care and Director of the Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing, of the Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care and the Dementia Training and Research Centres La Trobe University.
Dr Diarmuid (Dee) Hurley, Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Health. Dee's academic and research background is in psychology and mental health intervention, with a Bachelor degree in Psychology and Sociology (Ireland), Masters degrees in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Finland and Germany), and a PhD in Psychology (UOW, Australia).  
Manjula Angammana, System Administrator, Technology Services. Manjula has more than 20 years of experience in Hospitality, Education and Health services. He’s excited about delivering customer satisfaction with new initiatives in the technology space.

Sophia Gerontakos, Research Assistant, National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM). Prior to joining Southern Cross, Sophia worked in clinical practice as a naturopath in Brisbane and completed her Honours degree by research at Endeavour College of Natural Health in Brisbane. She is currently completing her PhD thesis at the NCNM.

Lydia Plowright, Communications Outreach Officer, National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM). After a decade working in banking and corporate communication roles in Sydney, Lydia relocated to the Northern Rivers in 2018, where she has been working with local not-for-profits.

Julia McConnochie, Research Development Officer, Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research). Julia is passionate about supporting researchers to build and strengthen research capabilities for impact and excellence. She has a background in research project management.

Dr John McKenzie, Senior Data and Research Analyst, Office of the Vice Chancellor. John is looking at factors promoting success for Indigenous SCU students. John has previously studied Indigenous health and education outcomes through on-the-ground evaluations and the linkage of government data sets.

Eliza Walter, HR Business Partner, HR Services. Eliza has a HR Generalist background, and has previously worked across Professional Services, Property, Financial Technology and Aged Care.
Nicholas Catel, Applications and Delivery Support Coordinator. Nicholas has a deep passion for Information Technology and believes the position is a perfect fit. He has completed a Bachelor degree in Information and Communication Technology and a Diploma of Project Management.