Advocating for people’s rights, especially those who can’t advocate for themselves, has always been a strong theme in Sam Forrester’s career.
As a child protection caseworker for the NSW Department of Family and Community Services NSW for nine years, Sam supported highly vulnerable children and their families, seeking to address drug and alcohol abuse, family violence and historical trauma.
“Working in child protection was where I came directly into contact with the court and the legal rights of young people, children and their families and foster carers,” Sam said.
“I have always been attracted to the law and passionate about rights, and that is what ignited my interest in the law.”
With a Bachelor of Social Science with Honours and a Graduate Diploma of Laws already under her belt, Sam moved from Melbourne back home to the Northern Rivers in 2019 where she enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws at Southern Cross University.
“I was working as a caseworker for CASPA Services (Child and Adolescent Specialist Programs and Accommodation) when I heard that David Heilpern was joining the team after leaving the bench [as magistrate],” Sam said.
“I wrote to our CEO, offering to volunteer as David’s paralegal one day a week, I might have been a bit pushy, but it worked out really well!”
Professor David Heilpern was instrumental in founding Southern Cross University’s law school before becoming the youngest magistrate in NSW. He returned to the University in 2022 as Dean and Chair of Discipline (Law).
“David and I set up the in-house legal team at CASPA when he left the bench. He is a very inspiring man and has used his life and service to support those who don’t have a voice and who struggle to access their rights,” she said.
“I have a passion to support young Aboriginal mums, particularly those who are at risk of their children coming into the care system.”
"I have used my privileged position to support people to access their rights to be treated fairly within the system, responding to their trauma with kindness and due consideration. Rights are words on a page unless we can put them into action."
When it came to continuing her studies and pursuing her goal of moving into the legal sector, Sam said that enrolling at Southern Cross University was an easy decision.
“I received advance standing from Southern Cross for my prior study. The six-by-six model also really suited me as it gives you the opportunity to work, volunteer, or do what you need to do while you’re studying.”
Throughout her studies, Sam continued to work with CASPA as a paralegal and gained invaluable, hands-on experience working alongside Professor Heilpern.
“David and I have worked together on three coronial inquests which were about three young people who had died while they were in the care of the government, either by suicide or misadventure,” she said.
The most recent inquest involved travelling to Katherine in the Northern Territory where she assisted in preparing submissions, opening statements, evidence and background information to be presented by Professor Heilpern in court.
“It is very much an investigative process and can be forensic at times to gather all the evidence. It is about ordering the information in a way that’s understandable and easily accessible. My role is also to make sure that he [Professor Heilpern] is aware of any potential issues that may arise and require a response, and to prepare him with the documentation he will need when he is on his feet presenting a case,” Sam said.
“The other side of the coin is really about the loss to the families and bearing witness to their suffering, understanding that a life has passed and the sadness and grief that comes with that.”
Sam graduated from Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Laws in 2024 and continues to work with CASPA as a lawyer. She has worked together with Professor Heilpern to establish Lawyers 4 Hope, a not-for-profit legal practice dedicated to providing support for young people who are exiting care.
“We wanted to set up a low-cost legal practice to support and educate young people as they leave statutory care. They are faced with having to find a place to live, get a job, and launch into the community as young adults. It is a really tough time for most young people, and having been in out of home care makes it significantly harder.” she said.
“The practice has charity status so the low-cost legal services offered can be claimed as a tax deduction. Any profits are donated to the CASPA Foundation.”
Sam recently presented at the SCU Children, Trauma and Law Conference where she delivered a presentation about children’s rights in out of home care.
Following her presentation, Sam co-authored an academic paper on the topic which has been peer reviewed and published on the Children Australia Journal: Actioning children’s rights in out-of-home care in NSW: A focus on the right of family connection.
Sam was admitted to the NSW Supreme Court in Sydney in December 2024, cheered on by her loved ones. Her new goal is to gain experience in criminal law and advocate for her clients in the court room.