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Southern Cross partners with Gold Coast Music Awards to support industry resilience


Media and Content team
6 September 2021

One of the hardest-hit industries by the COVID-19 pandemic managed to gather over the weekend and celebrate their achievements in a room of 500 music devotees. The Gold Coast Music Awards, held at HOTA in Bundall, saw many familiar Southern Cross University students, staff, and alumni come together and honour their fellow industry members.

Southern Cross University Contemporary Music Lecturer Brad Hosking presented the Artist of the Year award to Casey Barnes. The award, sponsored by Southern Cross University, saw the chart-topping country music star take the title for the second year in a row.

When receiving the award, Barnes told audiences that "we've worked harder than ever as a team, so it's nice to have that recognised and to get together as an industry and celebrate.”

Other wins included Musician and Producer Scott French, who took home a GCMA Skull Murphy trophy for the Musician of the Year award. Scott’s most recent project is ‘GENIIE BOY,’ an Indie-pop band formed with his partner and Southern Cross graduate, Alisha Todd.

The night also featured Amy Roberts, a second-year Contemporary Music student who performed at the awards in the VIP function area.

We caught up with Amy before the show to get an insight into her incredible music brain:

What’s your favourite thing about being a musician?

The coolest thing to me is when I hear someone humming my song or singing my lyrics. I find it wild that anyone would care, because there are so many talented people that you can listen to! So, it’s super fulfilling and humbling.

You’ve been gigging full-time for nearly three years now. What made you want to start studying Contemporary Music at Southern Cross University on top of that? 

I actually found that I had heaps of free time because most of my gigs were towards the end of the week. So, I figured that it was the perfect thing to complement what I was already doing. Anyone can be self-taught at anything, but I just wanted to improve and it’s nice having a structure to help you do that.

How have you found it so far?

It’s so fun, I love the practical classes! We have a class called ‘creative music practice’ where you get put into bands and you get to just make music with other people. Also, the teachers are so friendly and I’ve received plenty of opportunities from them.

That’s awesome! Do you have a stand-out opportunity you’ve experienced?

Well through my musical theory teacher, Sam, I’m actually playing my first festival at the next Bluesfest! He was already playing and they needed another singer so he recommended me! The teachers really help in getting gigs, which is so nice.

Where do you get inspiration to make music from?

I do a lot of journaling and I have a very active dog, so I walk a lot and record a lot of voice memos.

Ahh yes the voice memos, every musician's staple in 2021! How many do you have recorded in your phone right now?

*checks voice memos* 629! It’s funny because you don’t even remember them. Every now and then I’ll just do a Russian roulette and click on a recording on my phone to listen to and it will be very hit and miss. If I’m washing the dishes sometimes I’ll just put my phone on record and freestyle.

Congratulations to all Southern Cross University students and alumni who celebrated the Australian music industry at the Gold Coast Music Awards over the weekend.


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