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Student collaboration supports theatre for people with disability


Media team
23 March 2020
young girl facing camera
Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications student Chloe Burton

As a uni student, the question Chloe Burton hears most is ‘So, where will your degree actually take you?’

A Southern Cross University Live Ideas project with local not-for-profit Sprung! Integrated Dance Theatre gave the Bachelor of Digital Media and Communications student an opportunity to take her learning outside the classroom and follow her passion for changing the lives of people with disability.

During her time with Sprung! Chloe developed a crowdfunding campaign to support dance and theatre workshops for people with and without disability. She developed her practical skills by planning, designing and writing copy for the organisation’s new website, creating a YouTube channel, developing video content, and contributing to the mapping of email marketing campaigns for the year.

Aside from the valuable hands-on experience she gained from her internship, Chloe felt there was something even more rewarding about being part of a community organisation that was making a difference in the lives of others.  

“Knowing that I was providing for a community of diverse people who strived to have their voices heard and their stories told was more fulfilling to me than any amount of money could give, she said.  

“Giving students the opportunity to collaborate on real-world projects is an important step in their professional growth, as well as providing them an opportunity to give back to their local community said Dr Kristin den Exter from Southern Cross University’s office of Partnerships and Engagement 

Chloe said that her experience working with Sprung! extended beyond professional work experience, to become an important part of her own social growth.  

I feel more comfortable now in communicating and negotiating my needs with others. I have had more success in applying for job positions and volunteer opportunities than I had before. I feel more confident in my abilities, and how they may be applied,” Chloe said.  

 Now that I’ve completed my internship with Sprung!, I can say with confidence that what I have learned in my degree is applicable in the workplace and my work has directly influenced the success of a community organisation. It has made studying all the more worth it.”

Live Ideas is calling for more business and community partners to get on board with the successful initiative, to collaborate with students on real-world projects for community outcomes at