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Southern Cross backs student accommodation for Gold Coast


Sharlene King
3 August 2020
Student accommodation proposed at Gold Coast campus
A 12-storey student accommodation complex is proposed for Bilinga’s Golden Four Drive, close to the University's Gold Coast campus, the beach and Gold Coast Airport.

Southern Cross University has added its support to a student accommodation proposal nearby its Gold Coast campus.

A 173-unit 12-storey tower at Bilinga, just a hundred metres from the University, is proposed by developer GCIST, who submitted its development application to Gold Coast City Council in July.

There is no financial outlay from the University but it has agreed to brand the building with Southern Cross logos and colours.

Southern Cross University Vice Chancellor Professor Adam Shoemaker said the southern Gold Coast was in need of more student accommodation.

“The growth of our Gold Coast campus continues and there are very limited opportunities for students in terms of accommodation,” he said.

“Although the COVID-19 crisis has caused a significant drop in international students, now is the time to get the planning and construction under way for such a project so that we are ready as soon as possible after the borders do re-open.

“Equally, we have many domestic students from interstate and other parts of Queensland who would like to live much closer to campus.

“We have accommodation at our Lismore and Coffs Harbour campuses and this service would be a welcome addition to the southern Gold Coast.”

The GCIST proposal is for 223 bedrooms within the 173 units plus communal areas for studying, dining and recreation. A café and kiosk would operate on the ground floor.

“We see the project as having considerable merit and would be keen to work collaboratively with the developers in promoting it to prospective students,” said Professor Shoemaker.