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Session 3 begins with a positive report card to defy COVID crisis


Charles Wood
28 October 2020
The front of Southern Cross University's Health Sciences Building in Coffs Harbour

Southern Cross University’s Summer Session has attracted almost 20% more domestic enrolments than for the same intake last year.

Overall domestic applications at the University were up, year-on-year, more than 28% to 1473, resulting in an 18% rise in enrolments to 763 students.

Session 3, or the Summer Session as it is known, starts on Monday and continues to February 19.

The most popular degrees by applications for Session 3 are in health and human sciences:

  • Master of Social Work - up 84%
  • Bachelor of Nursing - up 81.2%
  • Bachelor Psychological Science - up 116%
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy - up 26%
  • Associate Degree in Law - up 27.8%

“The level demand for our courses in Session 3 represents the continuation of a very encouraging trend towards study in our regions, especially given this year has been one of the most challenging in the history of the University,” said Mr Ben Roche, Vice President (Engagement).

“Domestic students are increasingly recognising that there are world-class options for further study right here in our own backyard, that allow a healthier balance of work, life and study. Our students can be confident of the University’s future, and while for many in larger cities the future remains uncertain, there is a definite air of optimism in the regions.”

To ensure the continued health and safety of both students and staff, current COVID-19 restrictions will remain throughout Session 3 meaning all teaching will be online, access to campuses restricted and face-to-face graduations postponed until further notice.

All new students are provided additional support through The Learning Zone to ensure that changes to online study do not impede their achievement. This includes:

  • The UniMentor Program – Linking trained senior students with new undergraduate students
  • Study Buddi – Online drop in consultations with successful senior students
  • Student Appointments – 30-minute appointments with a Learning Coach
  • Assignment Review – Feedback on submitted assignments within 72 hours
  • Workshops – Academic skill development workshops posted every 3 weeks on our web page
  • Quick Guides & How To Videos – to break down key concepts
  • Online numeracy resources and consultations  – targeted to help for all mathematics

Session 3 kicks off as many Year 12 school students turn their thoughts to career opportunities and the university degree to get there. And with all the changes, there are greater pathways to university that cater for all students leaving school.

“Students who are concerned about not achieving the required Year 12 results can apply for Transition to Uni, a free intensive course which will help to guarantee a place at Southern Cross,” Mr Roche said.

“It’s a six-week full time online course which after being successfully completed guarantees entry into most Southern Cross undergraduate degrees in 2021.”