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Good Universities Guide shows Southern Cross offers stellar study experience


Jessica Nelson
3 October 2019

Southern Cross University has again been named the best place in Australia to study psychology, this time by the 2020 Good Universities Guide.

The annual rankings also rated the University’s Social Work degrees among the country’s best: number one in Australia for both Learning Resources and Student Support; and five-stars each for Overall Quality of Education Experience (which is the highest result for a NSW university) and Teaching Quality.

The University has also been hailed an industry leader for the third year in a row for overall institutional Student Support and Social Equity, with the coveted five-star rating in both categories.

For overall educational experience, Agriculture and Environmental Studies at Southern Cross is also a stand-out: achieving five-stars in Student Support (the best in NSW), Learning Resources, Skills Development, and Teaching Quality. The median graduate salary earned by Southern Cross alumnus in this field is the country’s highest ($67,800).

In the latest GUG results, the Psychology program at Southern Cross proudly boasts five-stars across the educational experience criteria: Overall Quality of Educational Experience, Student Support and Teaching Quality all achieved the number one result in Australia, while the five-stars for Learner Engagement, Learning Resources and Skills Development were the highest result for a NSW university.

In April Southern Cross University’s Psychology program was also ranked number one in Australia by the Federal Government’s 2019 Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) assessment, with Social Work ranked in Australia’s Top 4, and top scores for student support, learning resources, graduate satisfaction and median salary. Psychology and physical sciences at Southern Cross were also ranked in the top four per cent of universities worldwide in the most recent Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Southern Cross University Vice Chancellor Professor Adam Shoemaker said the University was proud to deliver Australia’s finest psychology degree.

“Southern Cross University is known for its progressive and top-quality research, teaching and learning and these rankings have proven once again we are a leader in student support and social equity,” Professor Shoemaker said.

“We have seen a rapid increase in the number of enrolments our psychology program offered at Gold Coast, Coffs Harbour and online, especially students making the move from Sydney and Melbourne to study Australia’s top psychology degree.

“Across our degrees Southern Cross University enjoys world-class teaching and outstanding work-related learning and international educational opportunities for study abroad, work placement and internships.

“Not only is Southern Cross a university of choice for both school leavers and mature age students who are returning to partially-completed study or studying for the first time, we are leading the charge of regional universities delivering quality education in Australia both in the classroom and online.”

Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) graduate Craig Blandon said he chose Southern Cross for its strong research and teaching reputation which equipped him with the skills and knowledge for his current role at the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

“I really enjoyed my time studying at the Gold Coast campus while also working as a firefighter, and recommend Southern Cross to anyone who is planning to return to study,” Craig said

Southern Cross University’s main campuses are located at Lismore, Coffs Harbour, Gold Coast and online; with satellite campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth; The Hotel School partnerships with Mulpha in Sydney and Melbourne; and international partnerships based offshore.


Field of study highlights from 2020 Good Universities Guide

For Graduate Median Salaries, Southern Cross University leads the country for Agriculture and Environmental Studies ($67,800) and tops NSW for Communications ($60,700), Nursing ($61,500) and achieves five-stars for Law and Paralegal Studies ($64,000). It is also top in NSW for Graduate Full-Time Employment in Tourism, Personal Services, Sport and Recreation, and five-stars for Full-Time Employment in Nursing and Science and Mathematics.

The University’s Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences courses were ranked number one in Australia for Learning Resources, while Law and Paralegal Studies topped NSW for Learning Resources and Student Support (along with five stars for median salary). Nursing received five-stars for Learning Resources (the best in NSW), Skills Development, Student Support and Graduate Full-time Employment. Teacher Education received five-stars for Learning Resources.

Southern Cross University Business and Management scored five-stars in Student Support and Teaching Quality. Communications courses topped the state for both Teaching Quality and Median Graduate Salary, and achieved five-stars for Student Support). Science and Mathematics courses led the state in Teaching Quality and Skills Development; and were awarded five-stars in Learner Engagement and Graduate Full-time Employment.