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SCU offers wellbeing masterclasses for professionals


Jessica Huxley
14 October 2016
Southern Cross University will host Regional Wellbeing Masterclasses this November, with well-known authors and speakers in wellbeing: ‘Dr Happy’, Australian psychologist Dr Timothy Sharp, and the ‘Feel Good Physio’ Anna-Louise Bouvier.

‘Promoting the Wellbeing of Young People’ masterclasses will offer high-quality, affordable professional development for those working in health and education across regional NSW. It will be held at Southern Cross University’s Coffs Harbour campus on Friday November 4, from 9am to 5pm.

Southern Cross University Student Engagement and Wellbeing Counsellor Rachael Jones said the Masterclasses were open to everyone with an interest and commitment to improving the health of young people.

“This is an incredible opportunity for anyone who works with, coaches, mentors or parents young people to participate in highly-subsidised training with national experts on mental health and wellbeing right here in our region,” she said.

“It will be a fun and engaging day that will cover practical strategies for improving and strengthening young people’s mental health. Collaborating and learning together as a community we can start to be part of the solution to the really concerning statistics on the poor mental health of young people.”

Dr Sharp, founder of The Happiness Institute, will offer a session on how to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. Anna-Louise Bouvier, creator of the Happy Body at Work ABC series will provide a session on how energy and sleep help mood and stress and Therese Joyce will offer practical strengths-based approach for working with young people. Participants can choose two masterclasses for the day.

“We all want to experience more happiness in our personal lives but many don’t even consider that it might also be possible in our working lives,” said Dr Sharp, an acclaimed author and speaker.

“Yet happiness at work is distinctly possible and should be a primary goal for all individuals, managers and organisations because it leads to innumerable benefits for everyone involved.”

With three degrees including a PhD in psychology, one of Sydney’s most respected clinical psychology practices, and his record as an academic, clinician and coach, Dr Sharp said his research and presentation are based on representative scientific studies.

He said participants would leave with a solid understanding of the key pillars of positive psychology and practical applications they can use while at work with young people and in other areas of their lives.

“There will be wellbeing activities, entertainment, delicious healthy food, a panel discussion and we will send everyone away feeling energised and inspired.”