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HSC day holds key to exam success


Zuleika Henderson
23 June 2008
Up to 1000 high school students and their teachers will descend on Southern Cross University’s Lismore campus on Thursday (June 26) for the Eighth Annual HSC Study Day for students and teachers.

The event, which is a joint initiative of the University’s School of Education, the NSW Department of Education and the Catholic Education Office in Lismore, consists of a series of valuable sessions on HSC preparation to help students perform better in their upcoming exams.

Southern Cross University’s director of projects, Marilyn Chaseling, said the day was designed to help students get the edge as they prepared for their exams.

“Experts who are experienced in setting and marking Higher School Certificate exam papers will present on a wide range of topics throughout the day to give both students and teachers a fantastic insight into what is expected,” she said.

“There will also be general sessions on HSC study skills.”

Thanks to the success of previous years, the event has built a positive reputation and is this year attracting students from as far afield as Port Macquarie.

The HSC ‘hall of fame’ of presenters includes former chief examiners, members and chairs of the Board of Studies committees, HSC advice line teachers and senior markers, adding up to hundreds of years of HSC experience between them.

Subject areas for student information sessions include: English, legal studies, maths business studies, physics, PDHPE, general skills, chemistry, history, modern history, ancient history, biology, economics, visual arts, textiles and design, music, food technology, retail and hospitality.

This year there will also be sessions specifically for Technical and Applied Sciences (TAS) teachers in the areas of textiles, hospitality and food. Ms Chaseling said the new information sessions had been introduced to provide a professional development opportunity for teachers.

“With presenters of such a high calibre from Sydney, the North Coast and all over NSW attending this event, we wanted to make sure schools in the region got the greatest benefit from the expertise on offer.

“The teachers’ sessions will look at the syllabus and teaching of the Higher School Certificate, but perhaps most importantly teachers will have the chance to ask questions and discuss key points of interest with each other and the presenters.”

Tickets must be purchased in advance and are on sale at all regional high schools. The cost is $25 for students and entry for teachers is free of charge. For more information or to attend the teachers’ sessions on Technical and Applied Sciences, contact Karen Moore, HSC Day administrator, on 02 6626 9271 or email

Photo: Students at the HSC Study Day last year.