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Mid-year enrolment continues to grow at Southern Cross University


25 May 2004
Southern Cross University (SCU) expects to offer more places in a wider variety of courses to students who wish to begin their university experience in semester two this year – almost double the number of places offered last year.

While most universities in New South Wales will offer the same or less mid-year places SCU’s Director of Student Services, Carl Rallings, said that mid-year enrolment was a flexible and viable option for many people who were interested in securing a place at the University.

“We are continuing to grow our mid-year intake and judging by the enquiries we have received there are a large number of good quality applicants who want to come in July rather than the start of the year for a variety of reasons,” Mr Rallings said.

“Unlike other Universities in New South Wales who see mid-year enrolments as pretty much a top-up with limited places – we believe there is strong demand out there for mid-year places and we want to respond positively to that demand,” he said.

SCU will be offering courses – both internally and externally - across many Schools at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Mr Rallings said about three years ago the number of courses on offer for mid-year enrolment numbered “about eight” but the list now was “quite extensive covering many disciplines.”

He said potential mid-year enrolees included students who did not get a university offer at the beginning of the year and have been undertaking other studies to improve their ranking prior to applying mid-year; students who are currently studying at university level but are seeking to change their course; and mature-age students who for work and family reasons did not always find it convenient to begin their studies at the beginning of the academic year.

Mr Rallings said anyone interested in applying to begin their studies mid-year should contact SCU immediately on the freecall Application Hotline 1800 626 481.