
A law alumni stands in front of an ivy coloured wall, she is wearing a green scarf and smiling at the camera

Transform your future

Let your studies in law fuel a new generation of social justice and equity.

Stand up for what’s important to you and personalise your degree with elective units in areas such as human rights, race and the law, animal law, climate law and policy, psychology and the law, and ecological jurisprudence.

Why study Law at Southern Cross University

  • Supervised work placements to build networks
  • Summer and Winter Law Schools
  • Moot Court facility on campus to gain courtroom practice
  • Lecturers who are internationally recognised experts
  • Gain academic qualifications for admission to the legal profession.
Smiling law graduate, Sarah Ashley sitting at the Gold Coast campus

“I chose Southern Cross because I wanted somewhere where the lecturers knew me by name and provided one-on-one assistance. The course was definitely challenging but I learned so much and the staff were always so willing to help.”

Why choose Law with Southern Cross Uni?

Explore Your Options

With diverse pathways to Law.

Fast-Track Your Law Career

With an accredited Law degree in just three years.

Double Your Opportunities

With double degrees, expanding your career options with an extra year or two of study.

How to apply

Ready to take the next step in your higher education journey? Find out how you can apply to Southern Cross University.

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Student sitting on couch with laptop smiling


The University offers a wide range of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

View our scholarships
Male student sitting down at table with arms folded

Entry pathways

There are many ways to get into Southern Cross University. Discover your options with an entry pathway.

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Female student with glasses holding book

Come visit

Get a taste of the Southern Cross University experience through our webinars, campus tours and info sessions.

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Female high school students visiting Open Day

Southern Cross University offers the following Bachelor of Laws (LLB) units that have been assessed as covering the essential 'Priestley Eleven' areas of Australian Law:

Priestley 11 area  Southern Cross University LLB unit
Criminal Law and Procedure LAWS2008 Criminal Procedure + LAWS2009 Criminal Law
Torts LAWS2015 Torts + LAWS3007 Private Law Remedies
Contracts LAWS2002 Contract Law I + LAWS2003 Contract Law II + LAWS3007 Private Law Remedies
Property, both Real (including Torrens System Law) and Personal LAWS2012 Property Principles
Equity (including Trusts)  LAWS2017 Principles of Equity + LAWS3007 Private Law Remedies
Company Law LAWS2007 Corporations Law
Administrative Law LAWS2006 Administrative Law
Constitutional Law of the Commonwealth, States and Territories LAWS2005 Constitutional Law
Civil Procedure LAWS2013 Civil Litigation and Procedure
Evidence LAWS2016 Evidence
Professional Conduct (including basic trust accounting) LAWS3003 Professional Conduct

Please note that other units offered in Law & Justice (other LLB units, and units in the Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies (BLJS) and the Associate Degree in Law (Paralegal Studies) (ADL)) do not count towards the 'Priestley Eleven'.

Girl standing in front of a building

Faculty of Business, Law and Arts

The Faculty of Business, Law and Arts offers degrees designed to equip students with industry-relevant knowledge and capabilities, while opening doors and opportunities for them anywhere in the world. Our strong links with industry form a fundamental part of our internship programs, giving our students experience in real jobs before they graduate. Through a unique partnership with Mulpha Australia, students can also study Hotel Management with The Hotel School in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Hayman Island. 


Visit the Faculty of Business, Law and Arts