Rainbow Inclusive Aged Care Project
Our team
Dr Meaghan Vosz (she/her)
Research Fellow
Meaghan is Research Fellow for the Rainbow Inclusive Aged Care project. She is passionate about rights-based and participatory research, particularly co-researching and codesign with people with lived experience expertise. She is an experienced project manager with high level qualitative research skills.
Prof Mark Hughes (he/him)
Lead Chief Investigator
Mark is Professor of Social Work at Southern Cross University. He has been researching the needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ older people for over 20 years. He is enthusiastic about community-based research, promoting older people's strengths and whole-of-organisation change for inclusive care.
Dr Andrea Waling (she/her)
Chief Investigator
Andrea is Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre for Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University. She has expertise in sexualities, masculinity and LGBTQ+ aged care, and is committed to working alongside LGBTIQA+ community organisations to ensure research meets community needs.
Prof Limin Mao (she/her)
Chief Investigator
Limin is Professor in UNSW’s Centre for Social Research in Health and is an international authority on chronic disease self-management and community capacity building and support in BBV/HIV, which has been extended in recent years into ageing and aged care.
Dr Kristiana Ludlow (she/her)
Chief Investigator
Kristiana is Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research, at University of Queensland. She has research expertise in aged care, with a focus on frailty, digital health, prioritisation, unmet needs/missed care, and family care.
Dr Lukasz Krzyzowski (he/him)
Chief Investigator
Lukasz is Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow at Edith Cowan University and founder of the Rainbow Migrants Observatory. He specialises in applied sociology and intersectionality, focusing on migration, care, sexual and gender diversity, and social justice.
Dr Craig Sinclair (he/him)
Chief Investigator
Craig is a Senior Research Fellow and member of the Ageing Futures Institute at the University of New South Wales. He is a leading researcher on advance care planning and supported decision-making, and has led development of evidence-based recommendations for implementing supported decision-making in the Australian aged care and dementia care sectors
Prof Ruth Hubbard (she/her)
Chief Investigator
Ruth is from Centre for Health Services Research at the University of Queensland, is a world-recognised medical authority on frailty and dementia, and leads the Australian Frailty Network. She is a Consultant Geriatrician with established skills in clinical practice, medical education and research.
Dr Benignus Logan (he/him)
Chief Investigator
Benignus is a specialist Geriatrician and PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. He has expertise in frailty, dementia and geriatric assessment, and is passionate about working collaboratively within multi-disciplinary teams to deliver exceptional patient-centred care.
Prof Adam Bourne (he/him)
Chief Investigator
Adam is Professor of Public Health and Director of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University. His expertise spans LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing, and he adopts a community-based and action-oriented perspective to research.
Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli AM (she/her)
Associate Investigator
Maria is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University, She researches the intersections of genders, cultures, faiths and sexualities. Maria is a Founding Member of the Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council Inc (AGMC, 2004), and has won 2 Lambda (GLBTIQ) Literary Awards and 2 Bisexual Book Awards in the USA.
Ms Jami Jones (she/her)
Associate Investigator
Jami is the Manager of Education and Engagement at Rainbow Health Victoria. She has worked in youth work and community development for over 10 years, in roles ranging from research and policy to support, family work, program development and implementation.
Ms Pauline Crameri (she/her)
Associate Investigator
Pauline is Senior Project Coordinator with Val's LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care. As part of this role, Pauline works directly with service providers and facilitates networks to foster an understanding of the histories and experiences of older LGBTI people, and how these may impact access to services and care.
Dr Amber Mills (she/her)
Associate Investigator
Amber is Policy and Research Manager for the Australian Association of Gerontology. She has held research and project management roles in acute health, community nursing and community service settings. She has research and policy expertise in health, aged care and disability service.