General soils and solids
Soil services
EAL has an extensive list of analytical tests for soils and solid materials. The analytical tests can be used for a diverse range of purposes, for example:
- Aggressivity assessments
- Asbestos identification
- Hydrocarbons
- Pesticide
- Volatile Organic Compounds
- Biosolids
- Pathogens
- Lead in paint
- Contamination Foreign Material Fraction Percentage
- Sugar mill ash, refuse, mill mud and woodchip
- Human and animal hair analysis, identification and composition by Scanning Electron Microscope.
Adhering to standard sample collection procedures ensures the highest level of accuracy. EAL can provide qualified staff to undertake on-site sampling at a base rate of $110 excl. GST. Please contact EAL for more information.
Alternatively, a number of sample collection and preservation procedures are available as Further Resources below.