English and Academic Qualifying Pathways Progression

International students studying in Australia on a student visa can ensure they have the confidence, skills, knowledge and competencies necessary to progress into undergraduate or postgraduate study by selecting a combined English and academic qualifying pathway.

These pathways combine English language proficiency, academic skills growth and the study of fundamental academic units in various disciplines.

Successful graduates will gain direct entry (admission) into a discipline related Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, or Masters Degree course, with maximum credit for prior learning.

Options include:

Career Start in Science and Career Start in Business , study abroad, 1 year, full-time programs include studying:

  • General English, plus English for Academic Purposes;
  • time management, digital literacy, referencing conventions; communication and quantitative skills; and
  • academic foundation knowledge in science or business management.

Business progression options

  • 4 units of credit are awarded into the Diploma of Business; Associate Degree of Business; Bachelor of Business; Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management; Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management and the Bachelor of Information Technology.
  • 2 units of credit transfer are awarded into the Bachelor of Accounting.

Science progression options

  • 4 units of credit are awarded into the Diploma of Science; Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Environmental Science; Bachelor of Forest Science and Management; Bachelor of Marine Science and Management; Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering with no major.
  • 2 units of credit are awarded into the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering with a major.

Search the Career Start in Business Pathways  or Career Start in Science Pathways  document for specific credit details by course and guidance for unit selection.

The Undergraduate Qualifying Program (UQP) pathway is designed for international students whose academic qualifications and/or English proficiency levels are slightly below the entry requirements for SCU undergraduate degrees.

In just one full-time session, students will prepare for undergraduate business, information technology and tourism degrees by studying:

  • English for Academic Purposes;
  • Language and Learning in your Discipline; and
  • one academic foundation unit from four unit options, including Quantitative Methods with Economics; Managing Organisations; Marketing Principles or Web Development I.

Undergraduate progression options

2 units of credit are awarded into the Diploma of Business; Associate Degree of Business; Bachelor of Accounting; Bachelor of Business; Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management; Bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management and the Bachelor of Information Technology.

Search the Undergraduate Qualifying Program Pathways  document for specific credit details by course.

The Postgraduate Qualifying Program (PQP) pathway is designed for international students whose academic qualifications and/or English proficiency levels are slightly below the entry requirements for postgraduate degrees.

In just one full-time session, students will prepare for postgraduate business, accounting, tourism, information technology and engineering management degrees by studying:

  • Postgraduate Preparation;
  • Management Communication; and
  • one academic foundation unit from three unit options, including Organisational Behaviour, Marketing or Project Management.

Postgraduate progression options

2 units of credit are awarded for prior learning in PQP.

Search the Postgraduate Qualifying Program Pathways document for specific credit details by course.