Important fee dates

Census Date

The Census Date is the date on which a student’s enrolment is taken to be finalised: 

Domestic students

  • Census Date is the final day you can withdraw from a unit without financial or academic penalty
  • Upfront payment must be made by Census date if you do not have an approved HELP Loan or are a compulsory upfront payer i.e., Permanent Resident.

International students

  • Census Date is the final day you can withdraw from a unit without academic penalty and only incur at 50% fee penalty — see unit withdrawal impacts.

Each unit of study in a teaching period at Southern Cross University has a Census Date. View the Census Dates page for more information.

Changed your mind and want to defer your fees?

You are able to complete the forms through the Commonwealth Assistance section of My Enrolment to defer all future unit fees and SSAF amounts as long as your form is submitted and approved prior to the Census date. Ensure you have your tax file number available.

Commonwealth Supported Place

  1. Login to My Enrolment
  2. Go to Commonwealth Assistance Forms and Choose ‘Add New’
  3. Select Request for Commonwealth Supported Place and HECS-HELP loan
  4. After you have successfully filled in all fields select Submit
  5. Repeat above process for Request for a SA-HELP loan

Australian Full Fee Paying Place or Employer Reserved Place

  1. Login to My Enrolment
  2. Go to Commonwealth Assistance Forms and Choose Add New
  3. Select Request for FEE-HELP
  4. After you have successfully filled in all fields select Submit
  5. Repeat above process for Request for a SA-HELP loan

Australian Citizens Loan forms will automatically approve if all fields have been entered correctly. You will be able to confirm this by going to the Finance Tab and seeing that all your fees are now listed in the deferrable debts table, which means upfront payment is not required.

See Understanding and paying your fees for more information.

Due dates

Student fees are due and payable as specified on your individual student debt enquiry window in My Enrolment.

Payment of the prescribed fees is a pre-requisite to the confirmation of enrolment by the University.

See Due Dates for Student Fees for more information.