Feedback and complaints

Feedback and Complaints Framework

The University has established a Feedback and Complaints Framework to provide for submission of feedback and the timely and fair resolution of complaints.

The Feedback and Complaints Flowchart and information below on this webpage will help you to decide the appropriate avenue and how to proceed with your feedback or complaint.

View Feedback and Complaints Flowchart

Pathways for your complaint. There are different pathways for complaints which are set out below, and in the Feedback and Complaints Flowchart. You will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 working days and an assessment of your complaint will be commenced within 10 working days in accordance with the Complaints Policy – Students and Members of the Public.

Student Appeals are different from complaints, they are formal opportunities to have an academic or administrative decision reconsidered by the University. This appeal avenue is provided to you as part of that academic or administrative decision. The appeal process must be finalised and outcome provided to you before accessing the complaints framework.

Providing Feedback

We recognise the important role of feedback from students, staff and members of the public to promote a healthy, safe and productive environment which engages with our community. Feedback can be provided at any time by lodging the Feedback Form using the link provided below.

Lodge Feedback

Making a Complaint – Informal and Formal

The Complaints Framework allows for submission of informal and formal complaints.

Upon lodgement your complaint will be received and coordinated by the Complaints Assistance Officer, for management in accordance with the Complaints Policy – Students and Members of the Public. The Complaints Assistance Officer will keep you updated about the progress of your complaint.

For advice or assistance regarding the complaints process please contact the Complaints Assistance Officer via email [email protected].

In addition, the University also offers a free, confidential and independent student advocacy service to all enrolled students. Further information is available at the Student Advocacy Service.

Guidance for Informal Complaints

Many problems at the University can be resolved informally and complainants are encouraged to try to resolve the issue directly with the person or people concerned. Alternatively, if you would like support to make a complaint, you may lodge an informal complaint to the Complaints Assistance Officer using the Lodge Informal Complaint link provided below.

International students in need of assistance in lodging a complaint can contact the International Student Support team for advice.

In addition, any student may seek advice or assistance from the Complaints Assistance Officer via email [email protected] at any time.

Lodge an Informal Complaint

Guidance for Formal Complaints

# Note: Formal complaints should only be lodged once you have exhausted the informal complaints process.

If you are a student, or member of the public, and your complaint is about the University, or services offered by the University, you may lodge your complaint with the Complaints Assistance Officer.

In addition, if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of any informal complaint already made, you may lodge a formal complaint.

To lodge a formal complaint, use the link provided below.

The Formal Complaint Form will require you to set out and provide:

  • The matter you are seeking to be resolved.
  • The steps you have already taken to resolve it.
  • The outcome you are seeking.
  • Supporting documentation.

Lodge a Formal Complaint

Guidance for complaints managed by HR Services

If your complaint is:

  • As an employee of the University: Relating to any work-related problem, or allegations of harassment, bullying or discrimination it will be managed by HR Services, in accordance with the Complaint Policy - Staff.
  • As a student: Relating to allegations of harassment, bullying or discrimination by an employee of the University it will be managed by HR Services in accordance with the Complaint Policy - Staff.

If you wish to lodge a complaint with HR Services please contact HR Services please contact HR services via email [email protected]

Alternatively, you may submit your complaint using the Formal Complaint Form and the Complaints Assistance Officer will refer your complaint to HR Services.


Information arising from the handling of complaints is treated confidentially. The disclosure of information relating to a complaint will be strictly limited to as few people as possible, and only to those who are legitimately involved in the process of resolving the complaint.

Review of Complaints

Student complaints

If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of a formal complaint, they may lodge an external appeal with the NSW Ombudsman.

Members of the Public

If a member of the public is dissatisfied with the outcome of a formal complaint, then they may make a written request to the Vice Chancellor for internal review via email to [email protected].

Complaints Assistance Officer

For advice or assistance about feedback or complaints, please contact:

Complaints Assistance Officer

T: +61 2 6620 3849
E: [email protected] 

Student Misconduct

Allegations of misbehaviour by students are defined as non-academic misconduct and assessed under the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules by the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality). 

The Student Misconduct Allegation Form will require you to set out and provide:

  • Date, time and place of incident
  • Names of student/staff/persons involved
  • What exactly has occurred
  • Record of any action already taken
  • Supporting documentation

For advice or assistance about Student Misconduct, please contact (using Student Misconduct Allegation in email subject line):

Co-ordinator, Academic Governance and Student Misconduct

T +61-2-6620 3065 | E: pvcaq–[email protected]

To lodge a Student Misconduct Allegation, use the link provided below.

Lodge a Student Misconduct Allegation

Links to Policies

Complaints Policy – Students and Members of the Public

Complaints Policy - Staff

Student Academic and Non-Academic Rules

Student Appeals 

Sexual Assault and sexual harassment