Domestic and Family Violence
It is a basic human right for everyone to feel safe and not be subjected to any form of abuse or violence, whether they live alone or in a relationship with another person. The University is committed to supporting students experiencing domestic and family violence to continue to participate in their study, ensuring at the same time that strict confidentiality and privacy is maintained.
If you are experiencing domestic and family violence (including physical, sexual, financial, verbal or emotional abuse by an immediate family member) or know someone who is, below is information that you may find useful.
Immediate crisis response
Police and Ambulance: 000
On campus – Freecall from any campus phone 1800 004 357
Staff members who experience domestic or family violence, please refer to the following webpage for information and support available: Staff Domestic & Family Violence Support
Domestic Violence refers to acts of violence that occur in domestic settings between two people who are, or were, in an intimate relationship.
Family Violence is a broader term than domestic violence, as it refers to violence between intimate partners and violence between family members. Family violence includes violent or threatening behaviour or any other form that coerces or controls a family member to be fearful.
In Indigenous communities, family violence is often the preferred term as it encapsulates the broader issue of violence within extended families, kinship networks, community relationships, and intergenerational issues. Source: Our Watch, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and VicHealth (2015)
Interpersonal violence, often referred to as intimate partner violence, domestic violence or battering, is a pattern of behaviour used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence.
Domestic and family violence happens in many different forms, each of which has its own devastating consequences:
Physical Abuse | Social Abuse |
Verbal Abuse | Sexual Abuse |
Psychological/Emotional Abuse | Financial Abuse |
Spiritual/Cultural Abuse | Damage to Personal Property |
Digital Abuse | Stalking |
Further information on the different forms of abuse can be found at the NSW Department of Communities and Justice webpage.
Support at SCU for students
SCU Counselling Services
Students are encouraged to speak with Counselling Services. They provide confidential and free in-person, Zoom and telephone/SMS support services.
Phone: 1800 72 4357
Safety Support and Wellbeing
Students can also talk with the Student Safety Support and Wellbeing Coordinator, who is available to provide support, information and service referral options.
Phone: 1800 72 4357
External Support Services
24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, and abuse. Access confidential counselling and support.
Call 1800 737 732Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline
For anyone in Australia whose life has been impacted by domestic or family violence. Available 24/7.
Call 1800 943 539White Ribbon
White Ribbon Australia is part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence.
Our Watch: making our campuses safer
To ensure we continue to make our campuses and residential accommodation safe we are working together with Our Watch and Universities Australia. The Respect and Equality in Universities project provided a whole-of-institution strategy to prevent violence against women and people who identify as LGBTIQ+ involved reviewing our policies, systems, and culture, and taking action across all aspects of the university.
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