Individual Counselling

Our counsellors provide free and confidential support to currently enrolled students.

This support includes counselling, information, advice, and referral for academic and personal issues.

Counsellors are located at Lismore, Gold Coast, and Coffs Harbour campuses, and consist of experienced registered psychologists and social workers. 

Appointments can be delivered in person or via Zoom, phone or email.

Most people are able to find ways to cope with life's challenges and concerns. However, sometimes you might find that you cannot resolve an issue, or are unable to focus on your studies. Counselling may be able to help in these circumstances.

Students often use the Counselling Service when they want to talk about:

  • personal issues affecting your studies
  • adjusting to change (homesickness, new culture, university, city, academic expectations)
  • managing stress, anxiety, depression or health issues
  • learning about motivation, time management and exam stress
  • offering support following a crisis or trauma
  • dealing with sexual harassment or assault
  • managing a personal or family crisis
  • overcoming procrastination

New students

1. If you are new to our service, or have not booked with a counsellor in the last 12 months, we ask that you complete an Initial Counselling Registration Form, and the DASS Form screening assessment.

2. Email the completed forms to: [email protected]

3. Please indicate any times or days that you are unavailable, and if you would like the appointment via Zoom, phone, email or in person.

4. Our reception staff will make contact with some available appointment times.

Ongoing students

1. If you are a returning student, having seen a counsellor in the last 12 months, please call 1800 72 4357 or email [email protected] to book an appointment.

2. Please indicate any times or days that you are unavailable, and if you would like the appointment via Zoom, phone, email or in-person.

If you require an interpreter, please let reception staff know at the time of booking.

What we provide:

Individual counselling sessions are up to 50 minutes, and typically short-term (1-6 sessions) with a focus on your immediate needs. Counsellors utilise a strengths-based approach and will discuss with you what you would like to get out of counselling.

We offer an appointment-based counselling service. During busy periods we may have a waiting list of several weeks and can offer to place you on our cancellation list if your matter is urgent.

In addition, you can access a range of Self-help resources, or book into one of our groups or workshops.

What we do not provide:

Counselling Services does not provide:

  • Health Certificates on a first appointment
  • Psychological testing for neuropsychological conditions
  • Psychological reports for, or treatment funded by:
    • visa applications
    • motor vehicle accident
    • victims compensation
    • workers compensation claims
    • other medico-legal reports

Please note that SCU Counselling is not an acute mental health or crisis service. If you have any immediate concerns regarding the safety or wellbeing of yourself or another student, please refer to Crisis Support.

In an emergency, contact 000 immediately.

Your privacy and confidentiality is very important to us. Our counselling staff are either psychologists registered with the Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulation Agency (AHPRA) or Social Workers eligible for registration with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).  Registration requires that staff adhere to the professional codes of conduct for these Associations.

Privacy refers to the way personal information such as your address and contact details are handled and stored, and what types of information we are allowed to ask for in order to be able to help you.

All SCU Counsellors and Counselling Service support staff maintain the highest standards, adhering to:

Confidentiality refers to information you may share during counselling. Our counsellors will not discuss your personal information or attendance details with anyone outside of the Counselling Service, unless you have given us your permission. The only exceptions are when:

  • we have a reasonable belief that there is a risk to your health or safety, or that of another person
  • there is a legal requirement to do so

Counsellors are required to keep records of each counselling session undertaken. Your counselling file is stored in secure clinical records management software called Best Practice Allied. Only staff within Counselling Support can access your file. 

If you would like more information on how the University complies with its obligations under the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 or wish to access or amend information held about you, please refer to the University's Privacy Management Plan or contact the Privacy Officer by emailing [email protected]

Cropped view of the Health Centre at Coffs Harbour campus

Counselling Services at Coffs Harbour campus

How to find us at Coffs Harbour campus

An office showing the view of trees from the window

Counselling Services at Lismore campus

How to find us at Lismore campus

Are you a student needing help?

Security and support services

1800 SC HELP / 1800 72 4357