CareerSuccess resources for staff

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Graduate career success is vital to the University and our students.

The Careers and Employability team works collaboratively with staff across the University to ensure students are equipped with essential career success skills.

The most effective career development strategies begin in first year and are progressively built upon throughout the entire degree. A scaffolded approach to career development learning assists with student retention, motivation and graduate outcomes.

Our dedicated team can work with you to design presentations and resources specifically for your students and industry sectors (see for example Social Work & Community Welfare Award and welcome your enquiries on [email protected]

Email [email protected] and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.

Teaching projects with Careers and Employability

Hear about examples of how we can can work with you from our colleagues

Dr. Iman Izadgoshasb


SCU Careers & Employability has been so incredibly helpful to the engineering students; From helping work on their resume, to doing a mock interview, they’ve helped us in Engineering along every step of the way.

Many graduated students got their first engineering job quickly, and the rate of employment for our students was 100 percent. During the interview, the principal kept telling students how impressed they were with their resumé. Students were surprised to see how the interviewer was impressed with their experience; Careers & Employability helped them put everything together and are to be credited for the presentation. They have a great eye for detail!

As the lecturer of Engineering Capstone project, I would like to thank the Careers & Employability team for their incredible work.

Michael Whelan

Environmental Science

I have been working with Careers & Employability for the past ten years. What started as a guest lecture in the unit has developed into a relationship where Careers and Employability help me develop content for my MySCU site, they helped me design assessment and they help me conduct mock interviews at the end of the session.

The most important aspect of their work is the one-on-one guidance they provide to students. They will help them find a position to apply for. They will help them write their resumes and they will help them prepare for an interview.

Working with Careers & Employability has been good for me and great for the students. I’m confident it has improved their skills and made them more employable.

Ben Garnook

Environmental Science

Having the session with the Careers team in our first year Humanitarian Engineering unit has been a great addition to our curriculum. In this session, students were required to start thinking of their future and how they can better place themselves for employability. They were also required to analyse their values so that they could align themselves with future opportunities. Students enjoy this session as it helps them realise what is involved in trying to find work, and also that it is possible to find work that lines up with their values.

Kerrie Stimpson

Environmental Science

Careers and Employability integrated employability skills in my unit through the delivery of workshops and online resources on topics including; Developing professional identity, written applications, interview preparation and networking.

Careers & Employability have also tailored high-quality online content to support students with embedded job application and interview assessment tasks. Their involvement extends to facilitating a simulated recruitment assessment centre followed by hosting an always popular industry networking event during student residential.

It’s a pleasure to work with the careers team who are an integral part of ENV10656.

Heather Collins


This is the third year I have been involved in tutoring midwifery students and been included in the workshops and education given by the Careers & Employability team. This education is a vital part of the move to professional practice for midwifery students.

The inclusion of education for guidance in preparation of students for interviews, and guidelines for preparing applications for employment, is invaluable. Staff are proficient in delivering the course and approachable for student assistance when required. I can highly recommend the course if your students are preparing to seek employment.

Michael Grande

Nursing Professional Experience Officer

The Careers team have been extremely helpful in supporting our first year Bachelor of Nursing students in applying for Assistant in Nursing jobs. Feedback from our community partners was that our students had much better prepared resumes and overall were much more professional when being interviewed.

Our placements team incorporated the expertise of the Careers team so that we could highlight the link between nursing clinical placements and job/work readiness. This initiative whereby the careers team has ongoing links with our students throughout their degree during Placement units, has been very successful.

Graduate employers have given feedback that our students were much better prepared for the interview process and were also much more professional compared to previous years when we did not have this initiative in place.

Sherryn Bailey


I have worked alongside the Careers Team at Coffs Harbour for over three years to deliver the 3rd year Bachelor of Nursing unit, The Emerging Practitioner. Over this time, I have highly valued the input, insight, and support of the Careers Team in engaging and preparing SCU’s nursing students for graduate application processes.

The careers team have been integral in helping students to build skills in CV development, foundations for addressing selection criteria, and assisting with key preparation for interviews. These skills have been carefully contextualised through research, experience and stakeholder feedback to meet the needs of graduate nursing students. The Careers team have compiled a broad range of tips, advice, documents and links to enhance student’s opportunities for recruitment success.

In my experience, the team have consistently delivered a quality service that is above and beyond. Members of the team are approachable, friendly and willing to help. I believe the input of the Careers team has had a very real and significant positive positive impact on SCU nursing students’ experiences of the recruitment process, and their subsequent employment as new graduate nurses. A huge Thank you to SCU’s wonderful Careers Team!

Lucy Shinners


Established in 2016, the EPIQ program supports a unique group of international registered nurses that have come to Australia to translate their industry experience into the Australian healthcare setting. At a time when Australia has an aging healthcare workforce and a growing shortage, this cohort of professionals is a lifeline to the nursing industry.

Ultimately the goal of the EPIQ student is to secure employment in Australia and the Careers Team have been instrumental in facilitating this. Throughout the 16-week program, the careers team offers our students a combination of online and face-to-face teaching with extensive resources that can be embedded on the course page, accessed remotely or downloaded by the student at any time.

Students are provided practical information about the expectations of Australian health employment, resume structure, professional portfolio development and interviewing techniques. However, their teaching also gets to the heart of the person by encouraging them to feel empowered as an international professional to pursue their career dreams.

The graduates of the EPIQ program are now being actively pursued by the Northern NSW Local Health District, primary and aged care sectors both locally on the Gold Coast and throughout Australia. The services that the Careers Team are a vital addition to this program!

Michelle Chandler

Nursing UA Emerging Practitioner

Our academic teaching team have welcomed the skills and expertise of the Careers & Employability team in supporting our third year nursing students in their preparation to professional practice.

The provision of this high-level collaboration that includes targeted online resources, a range of integrated workshops, team teaching and individualised student consultations has resulted in a successful alignment of professional nursing skills, sound recruitment strategies and employment success. We look forward to continuing with the Careers & Employability team in 2021.

Suzi Syme

Preparing for Success at SCU Program

The highly capable Careers team have delivered Careers Workshops in our Preparing for Success at SCU Program for over seven years. Our students are required to complete a group work assessment on their future career.

The team have tailored their workshop to meet the needs of our students so that the workshop is directly linked to their assessment and stage of study. Their delivery both on-campus and online is engaging, informative and inspirational for our students. Students enjoy the interactive sessions, and the opportunity to ask questions about possible pathways and careers.

Many take the opportunity to book appointments with the team to gain more insights into possible careers. Students consistently make good use of the resources and links the team provide to broaden their perspectives and help them gain high marks in their assessment.

Desiree Kozlowski

Psychological Science

The SCU careers and employability team are an asset to the University. I have worked closely with them in developing high-quality material to embed in BHS11004, Fundamentals of Career Success in Psychology, one of our key first-year, first-session psychology units.

This ensures our students are well-equipped with knowledge on specific strategies they can implement alongside their studies to ensure they graduate as job-ready, quality candidates. The Careers team are fabulously responsive, reliable, and pro-active: The epitome of a student-centred team.


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Book an appointment

You can refer current students to book Careers Appointment via the  “Appointments” tab on CareerSuccess. They will gain:

Personalised advice on job search and career planning
Feedback on job or internship applications
Assistance with interview preparation

This is a free service for current students and recent graduates (up to 12 months).