Campus tips
The university will have signs directing you where to go for your tour and all of our O-Week activities.
Gold Coast
How to read room numbers: The first letter and number of a room will tell you which Building and Level you should go to find your room. For example, room A2.04 is located in Building A, Level 2.
Student Area: A student lounge is located in Building B, Level 4. This is a great meeting place for students and provides a relaxing space for students to kick back in between classes and study sessions.
How to read room numbers: The letter is the name of the block, the first number (usually 1 or 2) means the level/floor the room is on: 1 is the ground floor or bottom level, 2 means it is up one level/floor. The number after the decimal point is the room number on that floor. Example: B2.31 means that the room is in B Block, it is upstairs and is room 31.
Student Area: The Goodman Plaza is the heart of student life on campus and where you will find the Student Common Room. It’s also a great place to have lunch.
Coffs Harbour
How to read room numbers: The letter is the name of the block/building you need to go to, the first number (usually 1 or G) means the level the room is on: G is the ground floor or bottom level, 1 means it is up one level of stairs. The number after the decimal point is the location of the room on that floor. Example BG.06 means the room is in B Block, on the ground floor and the sixth room along (please note that there can be numerous entrances to a building, so it may not be the sixth room along from where you enter).
Student Area: The student lounge is located in F Block above the bus stop. You can relax here, do some study, and help yourself to a cup of tea or coffee.
National Marine Science Centre (NMSC)
How to read room numbers: The National Marine Science Centre is spread over 4 floors (0-basement, 1-aquarium, 2-teaching floor, 3-admin/staff). The NMSC Teaching Rooms are as follows: MSC/A/224 Teaching Lab, MSC/A/224A Classroom, MSC/A/239 Computer Lab and NMSC-A102 Lecture Theatre. The first ‘2’ & ‘1’ indicate the floor level (where level 1 is the Aquarium and level 2 is the teaching floor).
Student Area: The student entrance is located on level 2, which contains most of the teaching spaces, a nicely kitted-out kitchen, a student common room, and many quiet spaces for extra study and socialising. There is also a lecture theatre on the ground floor (level 1) within the Solitary Islands Aquarium. Level 3 and the basement houses specialist laboratories and research equipment. If you are not sure where you need to go, you can always visit the main reception on level 3 (the top floor). There is plenty of free parking for students just outside the building along Bay Drive, and we are only a 2-minute walk to the beach!