Peer Assisted Learning Support (PALS)

PALS study support sessions for first year students.

Three students chatting under a tree

What is PALS?

Peer Assisted Learning Support (PALS) Mentors are successful students, just a couple of steps ahead of you, in their studies.

Checking-in online with a PALS Mentor is a great way to see if you are on track and have a conversation with near-peers who have excelled in their degrees, are highly skilled in successful study strategies and how to manage their time.

For assessment support, PALS can assist with interpreting the assessment question, using the rubric as a study tool, referencing management, planning and breaking down the assessment into manageable ‘chunks’, and locating appropriate resources. PALS Mentors cannot review or edit your work or teach unit content.

Each Term, different targeted units will be added to the program and we also offer generic sessions to support all units across first year. We hope that by the end of your first year of study you will have the opportunity to engage with our PALS Mentors.

The PALS program provides support for First Year students in specific targeted units. If you are not studying in one of these units and would like study support, we encourage you to book into a generic PALS study support session or access the Study Hub and Quick Guides via the Learning Zone website.

Group of five students studying together on the Gold Coast campus

Check-ins and study groups

Are you new to SCU and studying in these first-year Units? Our friendly PALS Mentors have one on one check-ins and group bookings available!

Term 3

  • LEGL1001 Legal Research and Writing
  • EDUC1003 Education and Philosophy: Playing with Thought
  • PROG1001 Programming I
  • STAT1002 Scientific Data Management and Analysis
  • HBIO1009 Introduction Anatomy and Physiology
  • HBIO1010 Integrated Anatomy and Physiology
  • HLTH1007 Foundations of Clinical Practice

You can take advantage of the PALS Program - it's free! Make an online booking for a PALS check-in during the term for either the targeted units listed above or the generic study support sessions, bookings open in Week 1. If you need additional support, we encourage you to book into a generic PALS study support session, or access the Study Hub and Quick Guides via the Learning Zone website.

Book your PALS Check-in

Meet the PALS Mentors

Angela Sweet profile picture

Angela Sweet

Angela is a fourth-year Occupational Therapy student with a BASc (Human Movement) from ACU. I have two years experience with the PALS team and have developed a profound appreciation for the invaluable role of peer support. Drawing on my own experience managing full-time studies and professional and personal commitments, my passion lies in assisting students, irrespective of their demographic or academic background, in acquiring the requisite skills and confidence for their educational journey.

Bethany Ferguson profile picture

Bethany Ferguson

Bethany is a third-year Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood/Primary) and believes learning is often greatly achieved through collaboration. She is excited to work alongside you to develop your study strategies, time management skills and success tools to help you achieve your goals for your degree. From her experience, Bethany is aware of the pressure, uncertainty, unknowingness, confusion, and instability that can come with starting university and balancing work, life, and study.

Elise Hill profile picture

Elise Hill

Elise is a fourth-year Education student (Secondary), specialising in Chemistry and Biology, and also a Teacher’s Aide. During her studies, she has refined her time management skills to provide a balance between study, work, and mum/family life. As an online student, she has found it challenging to meet peers and have discussions to clarify her thinking and ideas, and hopes to help you with this. Elise looks forward to sharing strategies that reduce pressure around assessments and due dates.

Emmeline Eastwell profile picture

Emmeline Eastwell

Emmeline is completing a Bachelor of Science specialising in Regenerative Agriculture, her second degree after a BASc (Optometry) through QUT. Her work history includes private practice as well as providing eye care to indigenous communities in Australia and PNG. Emmeline has learned the value of peer support and collaborative learning since facing the challenge of balancing work and life with studying online in the SCU model. She is passionate about helping others gain confidence and skills.

Laura Cantwell profile pic

Laura Cantwell

Laura is a final-year Bachelor of Business and Enterprise (Business Analytics) online student, who is currently on exchange in Italy after spending her previous semester in the UK. She loves traveling - she's visited over 40 countries, including trekking to Mount Everest Base Camp, and is heavily involved in the surf lifesaving community. She plans to bring some great strategies for time management to the PALS sessions so that everyone can feel at ease with their workload.

Lauren Hill profile picture

Lauren Hill

Lauren is a second-year Bachelor of Business and Enterprise (Entrepreneurship and Digital Media) student currently living in Tasmania and studying online. Her free time is spent cuddling with her two cats, bushwalking, running, baking, and watching movies. Having relied on peer mentors to help with her transition from school to university, Lauren hopes to share her knowledge, study, and time management tips to help guide you to achieve your goals at university.

Paul Klievens profile picture

Paul Klievens

Paul is completing a Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws double degree, returning to study after completing various vocational and academic qualifications in a range of sectors. He has a passion for mentoring and is focused on working smarter, not harder. He can guide you in developing effective study skills and habits, such as time management strategies and efficient note-taking techniques that will make learning more enjoyable and less stressful.

Tim Browne profile pic

Tim Browne

Tim is completing a Bachelor of Education (Primary/Secondary) and has loved wrapping his head around the SCU 6 x 6 teaching model, working out how to effectively cover the course materials and complete the assessments while balancing other life commitments. He shares what he is learning with his two primary-school-aged children, who inspire him to try new things and encourage me to keep going and stretch my comfort zones. He plans to share that encouragement along with his practical experience.

Tina Heiberg profile picture

Tina Heiberg

Tina is studying a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, returning to study after completing her first degree 30 years ago (BA (Public Relations)) and 36 years’ experience in people-focused roles in various fields. Tina utilised the PALS program last year extensively and attributes her success to the support she received, and believes that individuals are best supported through active listening, encouragement, and instilling confidence in existing capabilities, all mixed in with a bit of guidance.

Zoie Symons profile picture

Zoie Symons

Zoie is a fourth-year Bachelor of Engineering Systems (Coastal Systems) Student and was a PALS mentor last year. She is very passionate about all things science and the way our natural systems work and enjoys inspiring others to feel the same way. Zoie understands the study stress of navigating university with life and work and aims to empathise with students from a student perspective, listen to any concerns, and can help you reach out for further help if needed.

Contact PALS

T: 1800 SC HELP (1800 72 4357)

Are you a student needing help?

Security and support services

1800 SC HELP / 1800 72 4357