Our Research
Our research is undertaken by a diverse multidisciplinary team.
Researchers bring different disciplinary understandings to the Centre from sociology, social policy, education, social work, community welfare, education, cultural studies, anthropology, law, psychology and health.
Our research covers a wide range of issues that impact on children and young people's mental health and wellbeing. A distinctive feature of this research is the ways in which we involve children and young people, not only as research participants but in co-designing research and advising on each phase of our projects. We have a particular interest in knowledge translation and the ways in which our research can be understood and utilised by those seeking to change and improve policy and practice.
“We focus on ensuring our research has measurable social as well as academic impact.”
Our Current Research Projects
- Strengthening relationships and connections
- Improving Wellbeing through Student Participation at School
- School is for Everyone
- Reflections on BlackLivesmatter In Australia
- Ethical Practice Involving Children
- KODY: Researching an all-of-family program in family violence and substance misuse
- Ethical Research Involving Children
- Trauma informed & Culturally dignified teaching in social work
- Beyond Inclusion: Belonging and Racial Dignity for Africans in Australia
- Black, Indigenous and Academics of Colour experiences in the Australian University
- Seasons for Growth: Coping with Change, Loss and Grief
- Children’s voices for change
- Odyssey House Victoria - Recognising and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse
- What Works to prevent Bullying: keeping Students with Autism Safe at School
- Promoting Children’s Voices in Australian Family Law
- Resilient Communities Project Evaluation
- Learning from survivors about what helps disclosure and responses to child sexual abuse.
- Building Resilience and Belonging with First Nations Children and Young People