Art and Design

Art and Design

Going to Art School has a strange effect on how you view the world. A bit like three years in therapy. Attending art school shifts our perceptions of who we are in the world — and how we see our world. Art School unlocks a curiosity for looking, including looking inward.

An artist’s practice is a lifelong pursuit, an always evolving, dynamic and fluid process. The seed of that pursuit is planted at Art School. As it was for the graduates in whose footsteps you’re following.

Art and Design Student Gallery


Large-scale muralist

Internationally-renowned muralist Guido van Helten has created more than 60 huge, yet intricate, industrial-sized artworks across the globe. In this video, the Brisbane-raised artist, who relocated to Lismore to study visual arts, talks about his process of creating large-scale murals.

Guido also reflects on art and identity

Guido was named Southern Cross University’s 2018 Young Alumnus of the Year.

Lighting design at St Pauls Anglican Church, Burwood.

Architectural lighting designer

Bachelor of Art and Design

Frederika’s degree took her into the field of architectural lighting design.

Architectural lighting design is storytelling using dramatic display lighting to create interactive experiences. 

“We make immersive experiences, like water effects all across a floor, in light that you walk through.” 

She’s also involved in setting up display lighting in museums and heritage buildings.

Reflecting on studying visual arts at Southern Cross University, Frederika says the critique sessions, where the class offers constructive criticism of each individual student’s work, have been invaluable in the workplace.

“You have to be very diplomatic and I’ve taken that skill into the profession where you have 10 designers sitting around the table.” See more.