Academic Portfolio Office


The Academic Portfolio Office (APO) is led by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) and Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) and encompasses SCU Online, Academic Partnerships, Centre for Teaching and Learning, SCU College and Business Intelligence and Quality (BIQ).

The Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) portfolio drives innovation and excellence in curriculum design and delivery and works in partnership with Deans to achieve the vision for future delivery of education at Southern Cross University.

The Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) portfolio drives the alignment of education quality with University strategy and works closely with the Deans to develop and implement strategy to enhance quality in the delivery of teaching programs.

Professor Thomas Roche BA(UQ), BEd(UQ), PhD(Dresden) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)

Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Quality) is responsible for:

  • Academic Portfolio Office
  • Academic Governance and Student Misconduct
  • Business Intelligence and Quality (BIQ)
  • Careers and Employability Unit
  • SCU College
Professor Erica Wilson

Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Innovation) is responsible for:

  • Academic Portfolio Office
  • Centre for Teaching and Learning
  • Academic Partnerships

Staff and Key Contacts

Professor Erica Wilson
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
E: [email protected]

Professor Thomas Roche
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality)
E: [email protected]

Emma Sydes
Executive Coordinator, Academic Portfolio Office
T: +61 439 783 749
E: [email protected] 

Sophie Kemm
Director, Academic Portfolio Office
T: +61 2 6620 3303
E: [email protected] 

Annie Zorzo
Curriculum & Accreditation Coordinator
E: [email protected] 

Mark Try
Program Manager
E: [email protected] 

For delegation approvals – please email direct to the Academic Portfolio Office: [email protected] 

Location and postal address
Level 3, F Block
Southern Cross University
PO Box 157
Lismore NSW 2480 Australia

APO Org structure