Hints for your application and interview

Two women walking up stairs and talking

Application hints

Your application will be more competitive if you clearly address each of the selection criteria and your relevant skills and experience are clearly stated. It is important that you outline relevant information and achievements in your application - achievements can be overlooked in a curriculum vitae (CV). Suggestions for preparing your application include:

Your application will be more competitive if you clearly address each of the selection criteria and your relevant skills and experience are clearly stated. It is important that you outline relevant information and achievements in your application - achievements can be overlooked in a curriculum vitae (CV).

Suggestions for preparing your application include:

  • Clearly addressing all parts of the selection criteria
  • Giving examples of how you meet the criteria.
  • Being concise and accurate
  • Being results-oriented
  • Considering our values and strategic priorities

  • Avoid using acronyms, technical jargon or phrases that the selection panel may not understand.
  • Do not include claims that you cannot substantiate.
  • Write clearly and concisely.
  • Proof-read your application to ensure your spelling and grammar are accurate and that you have addressed the criteria.

  • Make sure any examples you give are results-oriented, e.g. targets achieved and demonstrated client satisfaction.
  • Indicate any cost or time savings, value of grants received, productivity increases, recommendations implemented or processes simplified as a result of your actions.
  • Include goals and achievements from previous performance/development reviews.

  • Where possible, demonstrate your understanding and connection with our values and priorities from your employment, work history and/or community involvement.

Interview hints

An interview provides an opportunity for the selection panel to determine your suitability for the position. It gives you the opportunity to build on the information you have provided in your application and will help you clarify whether this position is right for you and whether you would like to work at Southern Cross University.

Give yourself the best chance for success by relating your skills, experience and achievements to the requirements of the job and the needs of the University.

Here are some basic hints to help you make the most of this opportunity:

Careful preparation will ensure that you have the best possible chance for success. Consider including the following steps in your preparation:

  • Re-read the Position Advertisement - know what the job is about;
  • Find out as much as you can about the work unit and the University;
  • Closely consider the selection criteria and the skills required. Have examples ready that demonstrate your experience to the selection panel. Remember both your past successes and the lessons you have learnt from past experience;
  • Look at the responsibilities of the position and, if the position has a supervisory role, consider the extra responsibilities involved. Think about the challenges you might encounter in this position and how you would manage them. Draw on past experience to provide specific examples of how you have managed challenging situations;
  • Plan and make note of any questions that you may need to ask. Keep them to a minimum and make sure they are relevant;
  • Take a copy of your application and any other relevant information with you to the interview and refer to them if necessary;
  • Obtain accurate and detailed instructions on where the interview is to be held and how to get there;
  • Arrive on time for the interview, allowing time for issues such as traffic delays; and
  • Dress appropriately and comfortably.

After welcoming and introducing you to the selection panel members, the Chair of the Panel will normally outline the interview format. During your interview, some of the Panel members may choose to record your answers to help them accurately recall your responses when making their final recommendation.

Try to:

  • Relax. Be confident in your responses and manner and be aware of your body language (eg maintain eye contact with the Panel members and speak clearly);
  • Be yourself;
  • Listen to the questions carefully. Take a few moments to put your thoughts together before answering. If necessary, ask for the question to be repeated. Clarify the question if you do not understand it;
  • Be clear, concise and honest in your answers. Use the limited time available in your interview wisely;
  • If you have any relevant reports or other work you have done, which will provide examples of your skills and abilities, and can be verified by referees, present them at the interview; and
  • If necessary, ask any questions that will help you make a decision about whether you would like to work with us.