Recording lectures
If you choose to record your lectures with Mediasite you must ensure that any unauthorised third-party copyright material is not recorded. Failure to do so could result in prosecution under the Copyright Act 1968.
There are different provisions under the act for live streaming of lectures and for making a recording for viewing at a later date. Live streaming is permissible under the classroom provisions. However, once the lecture is recorded the limits on the amount that can be copied under the statutory licence must be observed.
In particular, it is important to include a complete reference to the works being used and include the 113P Copyright warning notice.
This can be shown at the beginning of your lecture to ensure that they are captured in the recording.
Lectures containing commercially produced DVDs
- Commercially produced DVDs can be shown in class but they must not be included in a recorded lecture
- The copyright owner's permission is required to copy and communicate commercially produced DVDs
- A streaming licence should be obtained if available. Contact your Faculty or College Librarian to arrange purchase of a licence
- Severe penalties can be incurred for copying and communicating of DVDs without permission
- In some cases, where a streaming licence is not available, it may be possible to apply the s200AB Flexible dealing provision. Please contact the Copyright office for assistance and further information.
Lectures containing recordings from TV, podcasts of TV shows or radio
- Recordings from TV or radio can be used in your Mediasite recording under our Statutory licence.
- The AV Warning Notice must be displayed and the licence conditions must be met regarding labelling and attribution.
- The recordings can only be made available to staff and students of SCU
- Recordings can contain podcasts of television or radio programs originally broadcast by a free-to-air station in Australia and then made available as a podcast on the broadcaster's website
- Recordings can contain podcasts of overseas broadcasts where the host country is a signatory to the Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations. A list of signatories to the Rome Convention can be found at Rome Convention signatories
Lectures containing literary works
- As a copy (the recording) is being made the limits on copying under the statutory licence must be applied
- The 113P Copyright warning notice must be displayed at the beginning of the lecture
- Ensure the work being used is referenced correctly
Lectures containing images and diagrams
- Ensure the 113P Copyright warning notice is displayed at the beginning of the lecture or as the first slide in your PowerPoint presentation
- Ensure the work being used is referenced correctly
- Ensure the limits on copying under licence are applied